A software package that manages maintenance, engineering, and logistics requirements of modern airlines and MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul) providers.

Product Overview

AMOS (Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering System) is a comprehensive software suite designed to support airlines with total Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) management. It delivers features like inventory control, work order management, maintenance scheduling, and flight time tracking.


  • Real-time maintenance schedules
  • Offers AMOSsim for flight simulators
  • Provides customizable dashboards


  • Time-consuming model drawing
  • Limited item import options

Target Market

Large-scale aviation organizations and airlines with over 1,000 employees.

AMOS is an MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul) software designed to cater to the needs of airlines, maintenance organizations that serve airlines, and independent MRO providers. It is developed by Swiss Aviation Software (Swiss-AS) and offers a comprehensive solution for managing maintenance, engineering, and logistics operations while ensuring compliance with the intricate aviation regulations.

The user desktop interface has been updated to include widget functions, such as customized dashboards tailored to individual customer preferences. Functionally, AMOS has made significant advancements, including the introduction of features for managing new-generation aircraft, Multi-Entity and Multi-Operator capabilities for airline groups, and Special Control Dimensions. Additionally, AMOSmobile has been introduced as an add-on to the AMOSdesktop version, providing enhanced mobility to the AMOS user community.

Video Overview


Modules within the AMOS software cover various aspects:

  • Material management
  • Engineering
  • Planning
  • Production
  • Maintenance Control
  • Component maintenance
  • Human Resources
  • Quality assurance
  • Financial management
  • Multi-entity functions
  • AMOSsim for flight simulators

Industries Served

AMOS serves a wide range of industries, including:

  • Airlines of all sizes and types, ranging from start-ups to tier-one organizations, including airline groups.
  • Maintenance organizations that work exclusively for specific airlines.
  • Independent MRO providers of varying sizes, catering to diverse needs within the aviation industry.

Product Overview

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User Reviews of Swiss-AS AMOS

Submitted on May 23rd, 2023 by Anonymous

meet the requirement

The Good…

providing all the needs for MROs

The Bad…

too much clicking.

Submitted on March 3rd, 2019 by Mohd Fakhruddin Bin Abdul Hamid

As we know, airline industry and aircraft maintenance cannot be separated. Aircraft maintenance involved complex data with close loop process. The best way to achieve this is by having everybody in a building feed and extracting on one main system. We need an all around and powerful tool to do this.

AMOS lets us channel the instruction to those on the floor clearly. This will enhance safety and maintenance in aircraft maintenance.