A fully integrated pawnshop POS software from Bravo Pawn Systems designed for managing new and used goods.

Product Overview

Bravo Pawn Systems is a point-of-sale (POS) software specifically tailored for pawnshop and specialty retail operations. It streamlines daily tasks and includes a wide array of tools for POS, pawn management, operations, and reporting. The system has online selling tools, marketing tools for pawnshops, and built-in SEO features. Additionally, it offers a mobile app, MobilePawn, for both iOS and Android devices, enhancing customer engagement and service.


  • Customizable to pawnbroker needs
  • Real-time store performance dashboard


  • New features can take time to implement
  • Developer does not share pricing online

Target Market

Small to medium-sized pawn businesses and other specialty retailers like gun and consignment stores.

Video Overview


Point of Sale

  • Transaction Tracking
  • Aged Inventory and Bulk Discounting
  • Split Commissions
  • Layaway Management

Pawn Tools

  • Inventory Management
  • Price Estimator

Operations Tools

  • Task Management
  • Item Transfer Management
  • Item and Payment History Management
  • Online Loan Viewing
  • Image Storing

Reporting Tools

  • Custom Report Generator
  • Compliant Police Reporting
  • Customer History Reports
  • Employee, Store, and eCommerce Reports

Product Overview

User Reviews of Bravo Pawn Systems

Submitted on September 17th, 2018 by Randy Wooten

I love the Bravo Dashboard. It’s one of my favorite features. During the day, I can access anything I want from the home screen. From the Dashboard, I can also see my Company Performance report. It gives me all of the numbers I need to run my business. Plus, I love the Bravo Estimator. It helps my employees determine the value of jewelry and merchandise, establishing a consistent guideline for how much should be loaned on each item that comes into his store.