A cloud-based inventory management software that uses real-tie RFID tracking.

Product Overview

eTurns TrackStock is simple, cloud-based inventory software that automates replenishment based on need and provides real-time inventory visibility into remote stockrooms. Using barcode scanners, smartphones, IoT weight sensors and RFID, eTurns TrackStock manages inventory at the point-of-use to increase sales and service levels, optimize inventory and eliminate stockouts.


  • Provides straightforward picking process
  • Real-time inventory visibility
  • Multiple tracking methods with RFID and sensors


  • Cannot print labels during picking process
  • Cannot customize program

Target Market

Businesses managing large and varied inventories, especially in medical and healthcare settings like clinics and hospitals. Also serves industrial distributors, multi-location manufacturers, and contractors with service trucks.

Video Overview


  • eTurns TrackStock Replenish is 90% faster than ordering through any ecommerce site. For businesses with many parts that constantly need replenishment, eTurns TrackStock Replenish allows users to scan bins of parts with their smartphone/PDA to order directly from their supplier in a fraction of the time it takes to write down a product number, logon back at their desk, key-in a product number and complete an ecommerce order.
  • eTurns TrackStock Manage decreases inventory levels by up to 73% by optimizing inventories. With TrackStock Manage users scan to use/receive inventory. It allows users to tune min/max levels based on actual usage and get alerts on inventory status. Distributors can use this to bill on consigned usage.
  • eTurns TrackStock RFID - Create transactions by waving a tagged bin past an RFID tower. One scan to order/use/receive.
  • eTurns TrackStock eVMI is eTurns’ most automated inventory management solution. It enables a complete physical inventory on each item 2x/day to trigger frictionless need-based replenishment with no human intervention eTurns puts an IoT weight sensor under a bin of parts on a mobile cart or stationary rack. The sensor measures the weight of the parts at user-defined intervals. When the weight, after being converted to quantity, falls below a minimum, a replenishment order up to the maximum is sent through the eTurns TrackStock eVMI cloud-based application, to the distributor’s ERP system. The distributor fulfills the order, the parts are shipped to the facility and the vendor or customer restocks the bins. This is fully automated VMI (vendor-managed inventory) at a fraction of the cost of inventory vending and offers a quick ROI.
  • eTurns TrackStock Truck provides contractors with real-time visibility into service truck inventories as well as parts and labor usage by job. Then it automates inventory management.
  • eTurns TrackStock Asset allows you to describe and track the assets you own and when they are scheduled for maintenance. eTurns optimizes the inventory of all of the MRO material needed to maintain your assets. If a list of material is needed to perform maintenance of an asset, TrackStock Asset makes it easy to include those items in a quicklist added to the work order. If maintenance of an asset is due, eTurns sends out an email alert.
  • eTurns TrackStock Tool keeps track of expensive, serialized tools (so you know who last had the item) as well as multiples of the same inexpensive tool like hammers and extension cords. We send email alerts when a tool is due for recalibration and prevent it from being checked out until properly serviced.

Industries Served

Industrial Distributors: 70% of eTurns customers are wholesale industrial distributors (such as electrical, electronics, fasteners, etc) who have need-based automated replenishment of their customers’ stockroom inventories. eTurns helps distributors offer consigned inventory because eTurns records consumption using barcode scans or RFID towers, allows distributors to bill on usage, and provides one invoice for reconciliation. Benefits: We make replenishment so easy for customers that they don’t leave the distributor, which is why distributors who use eTurns say that we help increase their same-customer revenues by 30% and increase customer retention.

Contractors with Service Trucks and EMS Companies use eTurns to replenish and manage inventory on their trucks…

Healthcare companies use us to have a simple iPhone app to replenish supplies in their stockrooms.

Manufacturers use eTurns to keep MRO inventory in stock using min/max levels for optimization.


  • Inventory
    • Bills of Material
    • Quicklists
    • Counts
    • Staging
    • Move Material
  • Consume
    • Pull
    • Work Order
    • Requisition
    • Project Spend
  • Replenish
    • Cart
    • Orders
    • Receive
    • Transfer
    • Return Orders
  • Assets/Tools
    • Tools
    • Assets
    • Scheduler
    • Scheduler Mapping
    • Maintenance
  • Kits
    • Build/Break Kits
  • Reporting
  • Barcode label configuration
  • Catalog printing
  • Customized reports
  • Scheduled Alerts
  • Dashboard Alerts and Analytics
  • User Configurations

Cycle Counting

  • Perform physical inventory or cycle counts
  • Manage a variable cycle count process for the stockroom
  • Set the number of times each of the inventory classifications are counted per year

Dashboard Alerts and Analytics

  • Focuses user’s attention on their “to dos” with red circle alerts
  • Examples of alerts:
    • Items below minimum or critical quantity
    • Requisitions that need approval
    • Orders that need approval
    • Pulls that need to happen
    • Assets that need maintenance
    • Tools that need calibration
    • Cycle counts that need to be performed
    • Projects that have exceeded $ or item quantity limits
    • Receives that are ready
    • Transfers that need completion
  • Optimize mins/maxs based on consumption or orders
  • Analyze stockroom: valuation, turns, stockouts, category/supplier allocation


  • Use WIP (work in process) to monitor the items needed to build kits
  • See how many kits can be built based on the kit’s components using only the quantities of items in general inventory
  • Use min/max to maintain inventory of kits
  • Create suggested orders of components to permit building of kits when on-hand kit quantity falls below minimum
  • Order kits from suppliers using a kit part # or its component parts and quantities

Managing Assets and Tools

  • Track multiples of identical tools, like extension cords
  • Prevent check out of a tool if it is time for calibration
  • Track who last checked out a tool and when
  • Send email before maintenance is due
  • Add quicklist of parts, kits, and labor typically used to maintain an asset to the work order

Managing Bills of Material

  • Toggle between picture view or grid view of item
  • Manage consigned and/or customer owned material
  • Use critical/min/maxes at item level or location level
  • Create multiple supplier or manufacturer #s for the same item
  • Add new items from distributor catalogs
  • Share a common BOM across multiple stockrooms
  • Create multiple cost UOMs
  • Track by Serial #s, Lot #s, and expiration date
  • Value inventory using LIFO, FIFO, average, or last cost
  • Click “quantity on order” to see the purchase order
  • Click “quantity on transfer” to see which transfers include the item
  • Click “quantity on requisition” to see which reqs include the item
  • Get automatic reclassification of A thru E by item each night based on inventory turns or cost of the item
  • Create quicklists to group items for quickly adding to order or pull
  • Use quicklists as simple kit
  • Place quicklists within quicklists
  • Use unlimited bar codes for each item
  • View 2 images for each item, like picture and MSDS
  • Apply taxes to consumption of items and/or labor
  • Display value of distributor’s bonded inventory for any customer
  • Assign default reorder and pull quantities
  • Import large list of items at one time

Material Staging

  • Allocate material from general inventory for later use
  • Order directly into a stage
  • Pull at one time all material in a stage

Project Spend Limits

  • Apply all consumption to one project spend
  • Assign consumption to multiple project spends
  • Make a project spend selection mandatory to complete pull
  • Set spend limits on total $ or quantity of an item
  • Exceeding spend limit will stop pull and display message


  • Consume inventory with a scanner or RFID tags
  • Add up to 5 user defined fields for each transaction
  • Create requisition when user does not have authority to pull
  • “Burn off” customer-owned material before consigned material


  • Receive material by item
  • Receive material by all of or part of an order, supplier or category
  • Receive material into any location
  • Use scanner or web


  • Make VMI/CMI ordering more productive using iPhone/iTouch/iPad/Scanner to scan bar codes
  • Using min/max, suggested orders are created automatically
  • Send orders automatically based on user-set schedule
  • Use eVMI sensors to automate inventory monitoring and replenishment
  • Receive orders through EDI/XML/flat file integration or emails
  • Allow change orders


  • View dozens of standard reports
  • Choose parameters of the data to view in standard reports
  • Customize reports: add/delete columns, reorder/resize columns, subtotal $
  • Sort columns in report
  • Save the report in PDF, Excel, csv, or text
  • Email reports on a user schedule


  • Create requisitions when user does not have authority to pull an item
  • Automate sub-contractor requisitioning to track consumption and facilitate billing
  • Email is sent to approver when requisition is submitted
  • Approve requisition within the email


  • Pull or push material from one stockroom to another or truck
  • View transfers by status: unsubmitted, unapproved, unreceived
  • Set permissions to determine what users can view, edit, approve, or delete
  • Move material from one stockroom or truck to another

User Configurations

  • Search for any string of data in a grid
  • Narrow search by many categories
  • Multi-column sort
  • Show/hide any column
  • Reorder columns
  • Resize columns
  • Set permissions at the role and user levels to view, insert, edit, delete
  • Change size of font
  • Change terminology for any word/phrase across a company
  • Multiple language
  • View change log for all updates
  • Use up to 5 User Defined Fields for any transaction/item/tool/asset/order/pull

Work Orders

  • Track parts, kits and labor consumption on the job
  • Include customer information
  • Requisition material if need authority to consume it
  • Add up to 5 user defined fields for each work order
  • Use a full-page description if desired
Starting Price
$40 /stockroom/month
Price Range Learn More
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Pricing Details
Pricing is per stockroom or per vehicle

Product Overview

User Reviews of eTurns TrackStock

Submitted on June 29th, 2023 by Tony Haouilou

eTurns TrackStock had about 95% of the capabilities we needed from an inventory system. The system was great with a straight forward picking process. If you need an inventory and picking software this is a great program for most people!

However, they were not able to customize the program at all. In our picking process we have loose products in our inventory and needed the ability to print labels as we are in the picking process. So ultimately becasue they could not offer us that we are sticking with what we have.

The Good…

A great program.

The Bad…

They need to add the ability to print labels during the picking process! This would help alot of their customer base!

Submitted on March 17th, 2020 by Ray Herzog

eTurns pays for itself within 1-2 months of each new customer installation and it allows us to stock 35% less inventory at our customers’ stockrooms because of the visibility it provides.

Submitted on March 17th, 2020 by Jeremy H.

It’s user-friendly, has easy navigation, an accessible platform, is versatile, and offers exceptional customer service. It’s been great. We now have the ability to streamline our ordering, tracking, and replenishment process.

Submitted on March 17th, 2020 by Brian Galowitz

We were using a completely manual process that led to a stockroom filled with unused supplies and lots of stuff expiring. Switching to eTurns demonstrated significant change in a short period of time. The value of our inventory on hand was north of $75,000 when we started using the system; now we have around $20,000 sitting on the shelves. The drain on my time has been significantly reduced and continues to improve.