A cannabis retail POS software designed to be compliant with multi-state regulations.

Product Overview

Green Bits by Dutchie is a cannabis retail POS software solution that provides compliance and marijuana inventory management. It manages state-specific cannabis regulations, including transaction limits and customer information capture and validation. The system supports ID scanning for customer authentication, inventory control to comply with state laws, and primarily cash-based transactions due to banking restrictions in the cannabis industry.


  • Visually appealing user interface


  • Price details not shared by the developer
  • Multiple user complaints about customer service
  • Software experiences regular glitches

Target Market

Cannabis dispensaries that require a POS system with compliance management features and inventory control.

Primary Features

  • Full state integration
  • Transactional limits
  • Customer verification
  • Loyalty Programs
  • Online menus
  • Automated discounts
  • Customer management
  • Customer registration
  • Weigh stations
  • Emergency offline mode
  • Cloud access
  • Reporting
  • Employee management
  • Inventory audits

Product Overview

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User Reviews of Green Bits

Submitted on March 14th, 2023 by Levie Salaz

After looking at a few systems we ended up going with Dutchie and their Green Bits POS system. The program has been awesome so far and it runs very smooth. It is very easy to use and we have not had any issues with it over the past 3-4 months of use.

We started with them around the Holiday time so support was a bit harder to get in touch with right off the start but after the holidays they have been very responsive.

The Good…

A very smooth program

Easy to use

The Bad…

Nothing negative so far

Submitted on June 23rd, 2022 by Anonymous

Platform for online canibus sales

The Good…

It’s basic

The Bad…

Lost 53k because platform is limited. Let’s customers apply awards points to on sale items - which means I can’t limit awards points to full price items only.

Submitted on February 24th, 2021 by Cody

Do not purchase this. I never write reviews and I feel almost obligated to let people know this system is full of flaws and spend most of my time trying to get inventory straitened out because it doesn’t add everything that you entered and other issues such as this. I strongly recommend looking at other software before purchasing this one.

The Good…

If it worked right I would love it. To many issues and need to be running my business not sitting on the phone or chatting with tech support.

The Bad…

Technical issues

Submitted on December 29th, 2020 by Anonymous

Green Bits is a great idea but poorly executed from a software perspective. Multiple app updates have lead to complete instability of the software resulting in multiple registers being non-functional. Take a look at the Green Bits Register App on the Apple App Store and you’ll see exactly what I mean. There is an extremely high level of dissatisfaction from actual Green Bits customers who utilize this software on a daily basis. Support has dragged their feet on these issues for months.

The Good…

The user interface is nice to look at.

The Bad…

Software functionality and lack of stable updates. Most updates are unstable.

Submitted on September 4th, 2020 by Gary

Do not purchase this POS system. Customer support is horrible. Owners should be ashamed how they are running this company. Good idea but poor business knowledge on how to take care of their customers or how to fix issues with their system

The Good…

Lol nothing. Sorry but it’s very very true.

The Bad…

Customer support hands down. Also how it has issues most of the time. We spend more time resetting it just so we can make sales. That is their idea of fixing the issues. Very bad decision going with this company and wish I would have went with another system.

Submitted on September 3rd, 2020 by Anonymous

Horrible horrible customer service. Won’t call you back and then either have no clue what their doing or just don’t care. I do not recommend using Greenbits and that you do not spend your money on this software. I feel like they are a small start up company that doesn’t know the first thing on running a business at all. Sorry I never write reviews but hate to see anyone go through what we have been through. System crashes and we either have to figure it out on our own or do the unplug everything and see if will reset. Not a professional business and do not recommend them at all.

The Good…

I like it if it works. They have a great idea just need some professionals to come in and get everything running like a legit business should.

The Bad…

Customer service by far and that it crashes a lot. Not many options to customize my system to our needs like I’ve seen with other systems I’ve looked at trying to find something else.

Submitted on April 24th, 2020 by Anonymous

If you like a POS system that constantly glitches, goes out of service during business hours, and has the world’s worst customer service than this is the product for you!

The Good…

There is literally nothing that I like about Greenbits as a POS software.

The Bad…

Their customer service is awful. Anytime there is a problem, the employees insist it is a user error. There has never once been a time where they took accountability for the a problem with their programming.

Submitted on January 6th, 2020 by Anonymous

I run inventory for a small shop. While most of the essentials processes as needed, there are consistent glitches and inconsistencies in functionality. Even with our limited needs to run audits/process products it can be a headache to slog through their recommended fixes and buggy, in-browser program. Support is slow, redundant and does not show much interest when presenting specific issues. On the rare occasion a new “feature” is added, they are clunky and narrow in ways to utilize them.

The Good…

Greenbits is simple and, for its most basic uses, gets the job done with few hiccups. Customer service is generally responsive. Traceability is necessary in the industry, and Greenbits achieves that.

The Bad…

While customer service responds, I have had little luck with actually resolving problems. There was an issue with the POS system crashing when you tried to apply a discount about ~%30 of the time. When I raised the issue, I was transferred to two different departments (product and engineering) only to be abandoned after providing all info they requested. I found receipts for transactions after the system crashed due to the issue, and after weeks of slow responses and non-answers, they finally stopped responding to me. The issue is still present 6 months later.

Their browser application is clunky and refreshes itself whenever you go forward or back, but also you cannot open many things in new tabs. For example, looking up a manifest must be done in the same window as finding inventory items. After plugging in search parameters you have to start your search over after selecting the manifest, as the search boxes are all reset when going back to the inventory listing page. If Greenbits were a program/app instead of written into a browser, the constant refreshing of information you try and put in would probably not matter. They added a feature where you can “quick audit” selected products. Upon entering the quick audit, all search boxes are cleared and it presents all of the inventory, which you then have to narrow down to the previously selected inventory. Even then, some functions do not work. Despite searching for all products over quantity 0, all products at quantity 0 will still show.

They currently have a bug in their base audit function where the time started/completed sections show two different text boxes layered over each other. Your selection gets reset when you go to submit a file to process, resulting in inaccurate timestamps.

There is no place to report bugs, so you have to deal with their customer service channel to try and resolve anything.

I do not know much about other options for business applications, but if you are looking to set something up make sure to do your research. Greenbits is clunky and counter-intuitive. I understand that having the program be based in a browser creates higher accessibility to the program, but for how expensive it is to set up there are too many functionality issues.

Submitted on December 26th, 2019 by Shawn Stinson

We set the software up and went through our final session before our soft opening. Everything seemed fine and we got ready to open. Tried our first “live” sell with an employee and NOTHING worked right. Taxes were doubled to start off. Their solution was to go through and manually change every product we had spent the last 2 weeks inputting into the system.The discount program was nothing like we were shown when they did the sales pitch.I am very unhappy with this system.

The Good…


The Bad…

full of glitches

Submitted on December 20th, 2019 by Anonymous

Lots of errors, bugs and glitches

The Good…

Not much to like due to constant issues

The Bad…

Too much to list

Submitted on September 13th, 2019 by Anonymous

We were sold a bill of goods and when we went to implement the software it certainly wasn’t as smooth as we expected or were told it would be. Upon our soft opening the solutions to some of our major inventory problems given to us by Green Bits staff was to use paper and pencil to sell to clients, which is an absolute nightmare. Their solutions so far have been unacceptable I’m sending all of their stuff back to them and going with another system. Steer clear

The Good…

While the back office and METRC reporting is indeed a nightmare for us so far, the interface seems rather simple to use and would probably be working fine if all of our other problems had been addressed properly by the Green Bits staff. Our biggest problem is that once they sold us the software they sort of just turned us out loose in the wild without caring much about our timelines or implementation schedules or grand opening dates.

The Bad…

How when you’re right in the middle of a crisis and are unable to get most of your product into their system and ready for customers Their attitude is very nonchalant and sort of hands off. I was told multiple times to read lengthy manuals and sort of work out my own solutions. What we needed was somebody to guide us through what we needed to be trained on what needed to happen when and who needed to be doing what at what time. They did not care much about our soft or grand opening and nobody on the team seem to know these important dates and team members were not necessarily present when I needed them. Even The head of sales AND implementation, the guy that sold me all this software and headaches was on vacation when I needed to speak to him!!! His team took hours to get back to me when they knew full well that we were open and unable to use their software properly.

Submitted on September 9th, 2019 by Anonymous

Horrible customer support. Horrible development.

The Good…

Fast at the register

The Bad…

Software has so many bugs and they refuse to fix any of them. Continually double reports sales which makes us non compliant. Takes weeks to reverse the sales and they have not fixed this in over a year. NOT A Responsive company at all.

Submitted on June 11th, 2019 by Kirsten Cook

I love how quick and seamless the transaction is between budtender and customer.

Submitted on June 11th, 2019 by Anonymous

Green bits is just better than anybody else out there.

Submitted on June 9th, 2019 by Tony Paull

Greenbits is an easy system to learn and also easy to track product coming in and out of the store.

Submitted on June 5th, 2019 by Veronica Simms

The Auditing tool is amazing! The support team is my number one recommendation for recommending green bits. I like the chat feature because it’s convenient…

Submitted on June 4th, 2019 by Anonymous

Customer services has greatly improved as well as the register experience

Submitted on May 15th, 2019 by Jimmy G

Not as complicated as some POS systems

Submitted on May 10th, 2019 by Brian Lee

The best part for me is being able to set up Green Bits exactly the way I want it, this customization allows me to be more productive as it is tailored.