A desktop accounting software for small businesses that includes financials, inventory, expenses, time tracking, contact management, invoicing, banking, and payroll.
Equal to Quickbooks Enterprise at 1/4 the cost
Cross platform datafile
Mac version is a windows emulator
Ups and downs in the past, but overall it was a good experience till it lasted!
I have used the AE & MYOB before that for 30 years, loved it... I am on a Mac, of course and I hate cloud base software... sorry.
In the last few years it became subscription base (I hate it), cloud base (I hate it) and not supporting newer MacOS in their desktop version... So if anybody has a suggestion for a similar program to change to... that is what I am looking for... thanks
I want to start by saying I am an accountant/software specialist and I have been supporting Accountedge for 30 years. I also support Quickbooks, but I am certified consultant for Accountedge.
That been said, I wanted to jump in here and clarify some statements that were made in other reviews. First, you can keep up to 7 years of records in one data file. It is advised to keep copies before closing a year. Secondly, the developers tried to upgrade the product to work with Catalina, but it would have required a total rewrite of the product. The PC version and Mac product are cross platform. Both versions will continue to be updated for both Windows & Mac and are nearly identical in the interface. As well there is an IOS ap that is free and can sync with the desktop version. There are workarounds to allow Accountedge to work on a Mac running Catalina.
I also want to mention that Accountedge is exceptional at handling inventory, sales and purchases at the price point. Far superior to QB. And you get a lot more bang for your buck with AE. As I said, I support both but I much prefer Accountedge for many reasons.
One time purchase. Updates are optional. Has many features that are found in much more expensive programs. Integrates with Shopify for online sales. Easy of use. File can be read by Mac or pc version.
Nothing within the program. Unfortunate that it cannot run natively on Mac Catalina, but there are options available
I have used accountedge pro and it’s earlier versions since it was MYOB. I love the simplicity and ease it makes the accounting of running your business.
I have used and love the low cost payroll feature that lets me enter the payroll via an import of timecards. It keeps all the forms and tables up to date. There are lots of useful reports including the ability to track jobs.
The new owner company Priority has killed the main reason I started using Accoutedge. Mac compatibility! In it's beginning it was the only good option for accounting on the mac. It proved again to continue that when Quickbooks decided to end upgrades for mac in 2000. Quickbooks learned and came back to it in 2007 I think. But I stayed with Accountedge and now I am being required to use a Windows host in the cloud or not upgrade my mac. I also spent 17min on hold with tech support before agreeing to leave my number for a call back. I use to get right through (yes for the last 20 years tech support was responsive and helpful) . Now, not so much.
AccountEdge Pro has done the job for me for several years but they are unable to upgrade to Catalina OS so eventually Mac users will be forced to another option.
It's cheap and you are not forced to upgrade or pay annually / monthly.
You can only keep 2 years of records in the system at any given time.
Double entry bookkeeping system, that was downloadable for use with multiple businesses and currencies and full reports for Financial Statements.
I liked that it was somewhat affordable and could be downloaded onto the old Mac platform.
Unfortunately, they are leaving their customers on the advanced Mac operating system with no support. Very aggravating after only 9 months with them.
I have used AccountEdge and earlier versions of this software (myob) for 30 years. Always has been the easy to use and fairly complete. There are no customizations you can do as a user, the reports are rather limited, but there is an ODBC connector that you can use with MS-Access to get lots of reports.
Easy to use ODBC connector You can fix mistakes
Poor Network Performance. It works best as a stand alone system. Once two people are on the system, forget it. It is terrible. Lack of Reports
I did not like the interface, and there was no import facility from Sage accounting.
Very friendly to use. For example, if I make a mistake on an invoice, I can just go in and put a new invoice and deal with it... no need to reverse or re-do items. Great customer service. Any time I have a question, they handle it. If it's a long wait, they will call me right back. I have not used any guides or needing to bring someone on-site to help as I can easily figure it out on my own or read a help article.
For now I do not see anything it needs to improve on.