Production and capacity planning software with multi-echelon inventory optimization.

Product Overview

DemandCaster is a production and capacity planning software with multi-echelon inventory optimization. Key features include what-if scenario planning, capacity planning, and inventory forecasting. DemandCaster also supports container/attribute-based ordering and offers customizable reporting and analytics.


  • Advanced demand planning
  • Integrated S&OP processes
  • Customizable reporting and analytics


  • Steep learning curve
  • Limited integration with certain ERP systems
  • May be cost-prohibitive for smaller companies

Target Market

Medium to large-sized businesses, particularly those in manufacturing and distribution sectors.

Key Features

  • ERP Integration: Supports bi-directional integration with existing ERP systems; this helps ensure plans are based on current information. Data is pulled from the ERP to update planning operations.
  • What-if Scenario Planning: Generates scenarios to illustrate the impact of fluctuating demand, supply, and other variables.
  • Inventory Optimization: Helps avoid overstocking by ensuring inventory levels can adequately meet forecasted demand; minimizes stockouts with inventory requirement prediction tools.
  • Sales & Operations Planning: Syncs market conditions with sales and operations plans.
  • Capacity Planning: Improves resource allocation by planning production capacity around demand forecasts.
  • Distribution Requirements Planning: Ensures inventory availability across different locations by managing product distribution.

DemandCaster is an independent business unit of Plex Systems, Inc.

Video Overview

Product Overview

Developer Overview

  • Name DemandCaster
  • Year Founded 2004
  • Headquarters Troy ,Michigan ,USA
  • Type Private
  • Est. Size 1-10 employees

User Reviews of DemandCaster

Ethan Nyholm

DemandCaster Review

February 25th, 2020 • Roles: Purchaser & End User

DemandCaster has enabled us to move away from ‘gut-feel’ decision making. Now our decisions are insight-driven and based on what we see in the data.

Janet Poeschl

DemandCaster Review

February 25th, 2020 • Roles: Purchaser & End User

With DemandCaster, it’s like I can see the future. I can better anticipate what’s coming next and as a result, take preemptive action.

Steve Kase

DemandCaster Review

February 25th, 2020 • Roles: Purchaser & End User

With DemandCaster, our profit margin went from 2 to over 10 percent, our on-time performance to 99 percent, and our lead time from five to six weeks down to two to three weeks.

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