A lease management software that streamlines accounting and reporting for ASC 842 compliance.

Product Overview

LeaseQuery is a lease management software that simplifies accounting for various financial reporting standards like FASB ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87. It helps companies track leases, get alerts for renewal deadlines, and provide journal entries and financial disclosures. LeaseQuery also calculates straight-line amortization and prevents overpayment of rent. Overall, the platform offers features like reconciliation support and ROU asset and lease liability calculation.


  • FASB ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 reporting
  • Integrates with any ERP
  • Role-based access


  • Lease lookup can be challenging without specific details
  • Changing lease details after approval can be cumbersome

Target Market

Medium-sized to large organizations with anywhere from 50 to over 1,000 employees. Caters to government entities and finance teams in public and private companies. Beneficial for organizations that need to comply with FASB ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 reporting standards.

LeaseQuery is a specialized lease accounting software designed to comply with FASB ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 standards. It’s equipped with features to ensure error-free amortization schedules, journal entries, and adherence to critical dates. LeaseQuery serves both public and private entities, and government organizations in meeting stringent auditor and regulatory standards.

  • Automated Lease Management: Streamlines tasks like payment schedules and journal entries, with features for critical date alerts and reconciliation.
  • Interactive Support: Offers chat support for prompt assistance and prides itself on excellent customer service.
  • Continual Enhancement: Regularly updates based on user input.

LeaseQuery Key Features

Access controls based on user roles Secure journal entries Alerts for key dates Comprehensive reporting options Compatibility with various ERP systems

Data Integrity

  • Rigorous data validation
  • Documentation of lease modifications
  • Duplication prevention
  • General ledger compatibility

Accounting Intelligence

  • Calculation of ROU assets and lease liabilities
  • Analysis of lease and non-lease elements
  • Management of contingent rent
  • Application of practical expedients
  • Access to borrowing rate information
  • Customizable calendars

International Adaptability

  • Multi-currency support
  • Currency conversion and remeasurement capabilities

Reporting Capabilities

  • Comprehensive disclosure support for:
  • Various ASC and GASB standards

Target Market

LeaseQuery is useful for:

  • Finance and accounting professionals
  • Accounting agencies
  • Governmental bodies

Pricing Structure

Pricing for LeaseQuery is based on the number of leases, offering unlimited user access. The software does not provide a free trial or a free version.

Video Overview

Product Overview

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User Reviews of LeaseQuery

Submitted on July 19th, 2024 by Anonymous

I used the system at a larger organization and it is a very robust solution. It seems built more for larger corporations than organizations with a handful of leases to report on. I also found the interface rigid and difficult to navigate. If I made any type of mistake, it was hard to go back and fix it without having to re-do numerous steps.

Submitted on May 15th, 2023 by Nikki Roth

We ended up going with LeaseQuery for our lease accounting. Another company near us are using the same program so now we can check and see if we are doing it right.

LeaseQuery was pretty comparable to the few other systems we checked out. Their pricing was a bit higher than some of the other systems but we had some familiarity and liked the ease of use of LeaseQuery.

Submitted on April 14th, 2023 by Anonymous

The name familiarity of Leasequery drew us to it. Turned out price was all good too. Support was good, they did a good job with the implementation.

You would have had to do a bunch of manual adds for some other programs. Those were more of a manual database. Leasequery was a little bit more of a polished, finished product.

The Good…

Support and pricing

The Bad…


Submitted on March 23rd, 2023 by Anonymous

After looking at a handful of solutions for ASC 842 complinace, we moved forward with Lease Query. The primary reason is they were most established across the market and a trusted vendor in the field. As a user on the software for the last several months, we have been happy with the system.

Submitted on March 10th, 2023 by Stephanie Hernandez

We ended up going with LeaseQuery, their support team has been great and have been listening to our feedback on how to improve the system. They have made several changes that made the program more user friendly.

Their program out of the ones we reviewed were albe to meet all of our needs from a lease accounting system.

The Good…

Great support that listened to our feedback.

Made changes based on our feedback

The Bad…

No cons at this time.

Submitted on December 22nd, 2022 by Chris Faria

We ended up going with LeaseQuery after reviewing a few recommendations. They were able to meet all of our needs and even had more features than we needed. We ended up choosing them as they seemed the simplest to use. Support has been great and we have monlty meetings with LeaseQuery

The Good…

Met all of our lease accounting needs Great support team

The Bad…

Nothing negative in our month of using it.

Submitted on December 16th, 2022 by Anonymous

We demoed LeaseQuery and thought it was fine. It was able to meet all of our needs but we ended up going with another product. The pricing for the other product just made sense for our simple needs.

The Good…

Able to meet all of our software needs

The Bad…

Other options were more affordable.

Submitted on July 7th, 2021 by Anonymous

Lease Query is a lease tracking software that simplifies the lease accounting experience.

The Good…

I like how simple the software is to use and how responsive the reps are!

The Bad…

Sometimes the reports I am looking for are not readily available but the reports can be made by yourself or with the help of the rep.

Submitted on September 15th, 2020 by Anonymous

LeaseQuery has been a critical part of our implementation of 842. It would be helpful if I were able to make changes to leases that are in the “submitted” phase and if there was a function that checked the effect of receiving TI reimbursements at different dates than originally imputted.

The Good…

The journal entry exports

The Bad…

Having to submit a lease in order to see TI to see the “new rules” implemented in the amortization table

Submitted on September 4th, 2020 by Billy McCarthy

LeaseQuery is a user friendly software that allows our 5 subsidiary companies to easily manage their combined 150 leases.

The Good…

To me, the best part about LeaseQuery is the how user friendly the software is.

The Bad…

Occasionally, there have been times where the website seems to drag.

Submitted on April 17th, 2020 by Anonymous

Lease Query is a software used to calculate lease asset, liabilities, amortization schedules, create journal entries and reports.

The Good…

The software is easy to use, it has helped us organize and keep the leases in one place, and it allows us to create journal entries.

The Bad…

We have encountered several issues with the termination journal entries and we have had to calculate them manually. I wish when an issue is reported by one user, they would make other users aware of the problem. Sometimes they do, but sometimes they don’t.

Submitted on February 27th, 2020 by Anonymous

LeaseQuery is exactly the accounting software our company needs to comply with ASC 842 for leasing.

The Good…

The website is very easy to use, understand, and navigate. But more importantly is to get the reports and journal entry needed.

The Bad…

Sometime the website can be slow.

Submitted on February 26th, 2020 by Anonymous

LeaseQuery is a good product to handle a smaller lease population. We have somewhere around 100-125 leases at any given time and it is perfect for managing that population.

The Good…

The software is intuitive and easy to use.

The Bad…

The lack of a catch-up journal entry has been a pain-point for our team thus far, LQ does promise this will be fixed sometime around Q1-Q2 2020.

Submitted on January 20th, 2020 by Anonymous

It’s easy to use and easy to learn.

The Good…

The quick response of the Support team

The Bad…

The help section does not give enough examples.

Submitted on July 25th, 2019 by Anonymous

This is a breath of fresh air for an occupation that’s usually treated with bored stares, long sighs and slow blinks. As I signed off for the day, I found myself wondering what new funny would be waiting for me the next time I logged into LeaseQuery. And then I realized I was actually liking lease accounting for the first time in eight years.

Submitted on July 25th, 2019 by Monica H.

The things that we liked about LeaseQuery were the data validation, audit trail, and email notifications.

When we have questions, we send a note, and someone sends a response within an hour or two.