An easy-to-use student information system with custom attendance, class types, and grade scales.

Product Overview

Gradelink Student Information System (SIS) helps schools save time, recruit and retain students, and provide better student services. Gradelink helps by generating reports, calculating grades, and tracking down guardian contact information, among other things, giving school leaders more time to focus on student services.

And students and guardians have their own tools to help through their academic career. Students have online access to their assignments and course work, along with their schedules and other information. Each student/guardian has their own portal to upload/download documents and to communicate with teachers and administrators.


  • Includes on-line enrollment, parent/student portal, and communication features
  • Easy interface with good documentation to help navigate
  • In-depth training and support options


  • Limited advanced features
  • Exact pricing depends on personalized quote

Target Market

Smaller educational institutions, such as primary and secondary schools, that require a system for managing student information and administrative tasks.

Video Overview

The core features of Gradelink include:

Curriculum Management

  • Gradebooks
  • Report Cards
  • Standards Based Reporting
  • Lesson Plans
  • Attendance
  • Class Scheduling and Calendars
  • Customizable Grading

Student Records

  • Discipline Records

Online Admissions

  • Online Admissions
  • Online Inquiry
  • Online Payments

Home/School Communication

  • Text messaging
  • Mass emailing
  • Voice messaging
  • Online Calendar
  • School Newsletters
  • Teacher pages
  • Parent/Student Portal

Custom Reporting

  • Report Cards
  • Administrative Reports
  • Customizable Attendance Reporting

The software is priced per actively enrolled student. There is a free trial available. There is no free version available.

Video Testimonials

Starting Price
$97 /month
Price Range Learn More
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   

Product Overview

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User Reviews of Gradelink

Submitted on December 27th, 2022 by Anonymous

For the most part, we really like GradeLink. It’s generally more friendly for my non-tech-oriented admin to accomplish their tasks. We like the on-line enrollment, parent/student portal and communication features, too. Again, much easier to use than our old program. We also liked the soft-sell approach versus the hard-sell approach of other vendors (webinars/zoom calls by appointment - I’m a teacher, too! Who has time for that?!?). Training and support are fairly robust and are very easy to access. Having said that, it does have a couple of drawbacks that can be a bit frustrating. As a teacher and an admin, I have two separate logins. That’s a bit of a pain. Attendance is a bit tedious to manage - there’s no sign-in, sign-out feature and attendance has to be entered one student at a time, one day at a time rather than all students in a family for several days. And populating classes happens class by class, so when we add students part-way through the year, we have to go to each class to add them rather than adding them through a student window. And I’m not a fan of the financial package - we use Quickbooks for accounting purposes. When I looked at billing in GradeLink, it looked like lots of extra work with little payoff for our families. So we never implemented that piece. Quite honestly, those headaches are only from the admin side and I’m probably the only user at our school who deals with those issues. Overall, we are quite pleased with the program.

Submitted on August 13th, 2020 by Anonymous

Gradelink helps teachers communicate with parents, students and the office

The Good…

Gradelink is really great in that it has the communication piece, the academic piece and online learning. For instance, the email the text feature allows you to easily get in touch with an individual or a group of people. Also the class pages example is really great to get the word out to everyone quickly.

The Bad…

So far I can’t think of anything.

Submitted on June 2nd, 2020 by Anonymous

It is an awesome program with great potential, I just do not know how to use most of it. The tutorials are great, but when I need something specific, its hard to watch hours of tutorials to find what I need.

Submitted on June 2nd, 2020 by Anonymous

Easy interface good documentation to help navigate

Would like to an option to check that allows contacts information/authorized to pickup be shared with siblings instead of entering information twice.

Submitted on June 2nd, 2020 by Anonymous

Everything all in one place, less spreadsheets & notebooks to maintain

Submitted on May 4th, 2020 by Anonymous

It definitely helped with [tuition] delinquency. Before, parents would have to go in and manually pay online. When we switched to automatic payments, it drafts to a bank account or charges to a credit card automatically.

And before, every year we would have to match the payment plan to the student. It was back-and-forth work with imports and exports. Now, it’s a one-step process. It’s a completely hands-off experience.

Submitted on February 27th, 2020 by Anonymous

Your responsiveness to our specific questions and needs. This sets you apart from other online database services.

Submitted on February 4th, 2020 by Anonymous

All the data for a student/family in one place

Submitted on January 31st, 2020 by Anonymous

The ability to email parents and the flexibility of grading by letter, percentage or points.

Submitted on January 30th, 2020 by Anonymous

Grade Link is very user friendly, also we are very pleased with the great customer service! All the people who have answered my questions have had such a sweet disposition. Our lass company we used was the opposite and that is one of the main reasons we changed to Grade Link.

Submitted on January 29th, 2020 by Anonymous

It has made a note to the parents super easy. Sometimes with our minds busy with so many different things at once, I can even wonder did I actually send the message, or not. The email I get from Gradelink is helpful for that, too.

Submitted on January 28th, 2020 by Anonymous

I am completely satisfied with this program. The problems are from my lack of experience with it and the tutorial videos are a great help. I look forward to entering lesson plans before this year is out so I can lesson plan with it all next year. it is an amazing source for both students and parents!!

Submitted on January 28th, 2020 by Anonymous

I love everything about it! Especially the help link. If I have a question or want to try something new, I go to the help link and it is excellent and explains everything beautifully.

Submitted on January 28th, 2020 by Anonymous

It makes our report cards so easy to print out. We can also print out a progress report any time to keep parents informed. No more attendance books and paperwork

Submitted on January 28th, 2020 by Anonymous

Consolidation of all items checked above into one platform. Having the ability to access student records, reports and the ability to communicate with parents and staff via email and text blasts has been extremely helpful and easy. Also, our parent portal has been a positive addition this year.

Submitted on January 28th, 2020 by Anonymous

Our team is all on the same page with Gradelink; less paperwork to shuffle and store; great for communicating with parents and keeping it documented; running of reports; lots to love!

Submitted on January 28th, 2020 by Anonymous

A well organized system in which I as administrator can see and find all school work assignments and grades. I appreciate the many different reports that can be generated through the system

Submitted on January 28th, 2020 by Anonymous

We just started using Enroll Me and it has helped us a great deal in making registration much more convenient for our families. It has also helped make my job easier because all of the data is entered by the families when they enroll so I’m not having to re-enter information each year.

Submitted on December 2nd, 2011 by Anonymous

Putting grades, lesson plans, communication, teacher features and administrative features all in one place is the best thing invented since sliced bread!