TACTIC Production Scheduling Software

4 Reviews 5/5

A manufacturing production scheduling software to improve delivery and cut costs.

Product Overview

Waterloo Manufacturing Software’s TACTIC system is designed to be used as both production scheduling software, and advanced planning and scheduling software (APS software).


  • Ideal for discrete part and batch manufacturers
  • On-premises only solution
  • Reduce inventory and supply costs


  • Mobile app has UX issues
  • Pricing details not provided by the developer

Target Market

Businesses seeking a highly customizable solution for scheduling and managing manufacturing processes.

Production Scheduling Software

Production scheduling software, (also called manufacturing scheduling software, finite capacity scheduling software, or FCS software) allows manufacturing staff to generate detailed dispatch lists for individual production machines, units of labor and other manufacturing resources. These dispatch lists consider the finite, or limited, capacity constraints of the resources being scheduled.

The production scheduling software helps users answer questions like: What job should be run next? Should I work overtime this weekend? Which job will be late?

Typically, the production scheduling software deals with a time frame close into the present. Usually, it is given released, or soon to be released, shop orders to schedule. These orders may be supplied via an interface to an MRP / ERP system or entered in manually. Typically, it is used in a single facility.

Advanced Planning and Scheduling Software

Advanced planning and scheduling software (also called APS software and similar to production planning and capacity planning software), is more encompassing than production scheduling software. It considers not just shop floor capacity constraints. In addition, the advanced planning and scheduling software considers inventory and bill of material constraints, inventory stocking and replenishment levels, and order generation policies.

APS software can operate in time frames which are significantly longer than the sum of all procurement and production lead times. It accepts both sales orders and forecast orders and, through a bill of material explosion, creates purchase and manufacturing orders. The advanced planning and scheduling software can operation in concert with, or independent from, MRP/ERP systems. While it can be used to generate plans for one location, the APS software can also consider multiple locations throughout the supply chain. Used in this role, the APS software becomes an integral part of a supply chain management software suite. Whether used as production scheduling software, or as advanced planning and scheduling software, TACTIC can improve your operation’s competitiveness.

Product Overview

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User Reviews of TACTIC

Submitted on April 11th, 2023 by Anonymous

We are in the implementation process of getting TACTIC set up for our production scheduling. We looked at a lot of systems and TACTIC stood out because of its pricing structure and ability to be customized to our needs.

We really liked how it was a stand alone program and as a one time purcahse. The support has been great and one of the main support resources is the owner of the company so he really has helped us feel comfortable with the system.

The Good…

Was a one time purchase no subscriptions

The Bad…


Submitted on June 21st, 2020 by Allen Ettling

The software enables us to schedule production at multiple work stations within work centers based on due dates. Software groups orders with like attributes up to the point impacts delivery.

The Good…

Automates the scheduling process. Lets me try what-ifs so I can make better decisions.

The Bad…

I like the software. Only issue is like any software it needs to be updated to reflect changes in the way we run our business.

Submitted on May 15th, 2020 by Keith Bolyard

A great tool to schedule day-to-day, week-to-week pilot plant work activities.

The Good…

The software is relatively easy to learn and use. It has improved our pilot plant productivity and has drastically reduced the number of scheduling conflicts we encounter.

The Bad…


Submitted on April 10th, 2020 by Anonymous

have installed this software at 2 different companies. I have seen immediate savings in time and material, and much better visibility. I would recommend this software to anyone looking for a great scheduling package.

The Good…

The tech support was great.

The Bad…
