CityView Suite
2 Reviews 5/5 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★A permitting and licensing management software for municipalities and local governments.
Product Overview
CityView is a permitting and licensing management software for municipalities and local governments. The software provides capabilities for engaging with citizens and businesses, allowing for online application submissions, payment processing, and communication. CityView Suite offers reporting and analytics tools that enable data-driven decision-making, allowing municipalities to track performance, assess trends, and improve their services.Pros
- Reporting and analytics tools
- Supports online application submissions and payment processing
- Standardizes several tedius processes
- Initial setup and training may be time-consuming
- Pricing requires consultation
- Some core functionalities are extensions like the citizen portal
Target Market
Medium to large-sized municipalities and local government agencies looking to modernize their operations.CityView offers out-of-the-box software for community development and municipal land management. CityView facilitates a paperless process that shortens permit and case turnaround, eliminates redundant work, and increases productivity from land use planning to permitting, code enforcement, and licensing.
- Standardize and increase the efficiency of the permit approval and inspection processes.
- Achieve a paperless, electronic plans review process.
- Drive economic development with business-friendly services.
- Provide simplified and expanded customer services to developers, contractors, business owners, and residents.
Video Overview
CityView Key Features
- Property Information Management: Quickly view data and location-based land management activities.
- Permits and Inspections: Streamline and automate permit approval and issuance process.
- Planning: Easily track and manage zoning and development applications and processes.
- Code and Bylaw Enforcement: Track and manage enforcement incidents from citizen complaints to case resolution.
- Licensing: Automate business licensing from application and approvals to payments and renewals.
- Rental Housing: Enforce rental property standards and manage licensing and inspections.
- Service Requests: Provide easily accessible mechanisms for constituents to make requests, complaints, and inquiries; uphold community standards.
- Cemetery Management: Manage cemeteries from plot purchase and allocation to service and maintenance scheduling.
- Marriage and Death Registration: Create an electronic record of citizens’ marriages and deaths.
- Parking Management: Automate the permitting and ticketing process.
- Cashiering: Provide accurate reporting and streamline the collection and reconciliation of revenue.
CityView offers extensions to add-on to the CityView Suite system to further streamline operations. These extensions include:
- Electronic plans review
- CityView Mobile for inspections
- CityView Portal for citizens, contractors, and businesses
- GIS integration
- Virtual inspections
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User Reviews of CityView Suite
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The payback of using CityView has been big for Grove City
The payback of using CityView has been big for Grove City. We average 3000 commercial and residential permits and over 8000 inspections a year and we’re able to do this with 3 permit clerks and 4 building inspectors. Nearly 60 percent of our inspections are now scheduled online so we had almost 4000 fewer inspections-related phone calls in 2009. Our contractors love that they get their inspection results by email as soon as the inspection is done. We’ve seen a reduction in the number of call-backs and cancelled inspections because they can now be scheduled after we close for the day. It used to take us several weeks to get all the information together for annual state reports but now we’re able to generate those same reports and have them in the mail in minutes. CityView has dramatically improved the way we do business and allows us to increase the level of service that we provide to our citizens. That’s why we even named a street after the software.

CityView Suite Review
Staff are using CityView’s capabilities to power a level of business intelligence and efficiency that has never existed before within the plan and permit review department.