An inventory control system dedicated to tracking produce and ensuring traceability for companies in the fresh produce industry.
Produce Inventory Control System (PICS) is an agriculture software designed for SMEs and agencies. This software provides a web-based, end-to-end solution that utilizes specialized tools, like crop and recall management, for businesses dealing with perishable goods.
PICS offers a wide array of functionalities, including CRM, customer management, inventory management, production management, and built-in accounting. It stands out with features such as vendor management, import/export management, warehouse management, traceback and traceforward, and weather records.
We host and support a large number of PICS customers. Implementation is quick, and the customers we have require little support once set up, and often speak of the improvements the software makes to their overall business process.
PICS is a very fast and adaptable system and covers a wide variety of items required for produce industry companies.
PICS is a quality all encompassing software to manage your Inventory, shipping/receiving, Accounting(billing/receivables) and reporting needs.
The software offers complete lot traceability from ordering - receiving - production -selling - billing/paying for the product.
No need to try combining multiple software that don’t communicate with each other because PICS has the full package in 1 product.
Customizable software with very responsive designers/support to quickly implement company specific projects/needs.
It's simplistic but quickly provides detailed information. Navigation is very intuitive and training new users is quick as each screen builds on the others.
Very solid product, Concerns/suggestions are expressed and if valid they are rectified/upgraded by the developers
PICS is a ERP system designed specifically for the produce industry. It offers inventory control, production, and accounting all-in-one, with sophisticated grower pay tracking and traceability that meets the unique demands of the produce industry. It is module based, and fully customizable.
With PICS, we have improved our traceability allowing simple tracking of our inventory from purchase order, through production, to sales. Customizable forms and screens have allowed us to develop our business around an ERP system that can adapt to our unique requirements. The PICS customer service team is both helpful and patient in working with us on fine tuning settings and developing the software. The price point for the system was much closer to our target budget than that of many of PICS competitors.
Though PICS 3.0 is in the works, many aspects of the current system are out of date, including the requirements of a 32 bit host operating system (nothing later than Windows 8).