A construction scheduling software for managing linear projects like highways, pipelines, and railways.
The cost of Trimble Tilos starts at $2,095/year. The pricing model is per user per year. There is a free trial available. There is no free version available.
TILOS transformed our engineers’ attitude toward project scheduling from something extra they never had time for to a tool they “owned” and wouldn’t go to a meeting without.
Our company is one of North America’s largest pipeline owner companies. Having researched the marketplace for a linear project planning tool, we chose TILOS. When we have used TILOS on major pipeline projects during construction, it has provided rich construction decision support information.This information is used to optimize the construction program with resultant direct dollar savings
TILOS is making our lives easier. It helps us to sort out any issues of logic before they become a problem. It also allows us to communicate clearly to all teams involved exactly what we are aiming to do and is a good tool to demonstrate to all stakeholders what we are going to deliver.