Best ERP Alternatives

Last Updated: October 18th, 2023
Researched and Written by: Sydney Hoffman

ERP software alternatives are specialized, best-of-breed software solutions designed to address specific business functions. They offer a more tailored approach than the broad, integrated capabilities of traditional ERP systems.

Why Seek an ERP Alternative?

While ERP systems provide a comprehensive suite of features to unify diverse company workflows, they also pose certain challenges.

  • Cost and Complexity: ERP solutions are comprehensive, designed to address a wide range of enterprise needs. However, customizing them to a specific organization’s processes can be costly, both in terms of money and manpower. While their vast functionalities are beneficial for large entities, they aren’t always user-friendly. Training employees to use them effectively often necessitates additional time, cost, and sometimes external expertise.

  • Rigidity: While large corporations may benefit from ERP’s extensive features, many SMBs find these offerings overwhelming. They often seek simpler, more streamlined solutions without the excess features that can make ERP systems feel cumbersome.

  • Implementation Time: Setting up an ERP entails business process re-engineering, data migration, customization, and thorough testing. Given the vastness of ERP systems, the implementation can span months or even years.

Best-of-Breed Solutions: ERP Alternatives

Look for best-of-breed software when exploring alternatives to traditional ERP. These platforms offer specialization, cost-efficiency, rapid deployment, and reduced complexity.

Accounting software is vital for understanding a business’s fiscal health by tracking income, expenses, and profitability. Both QuickBooks and Xero are user-friendly and suitable for non-accountants. They offer essential features without the full complexities of an ERP, making them cost-effective choices for SMBs.

QuickBooks Online: Sales Dashboard
QuickBooks Online: Find an Accountant
QuickBooks Online: Track Mileleage
QuickBooks Online: Mobile Cash Flow
QuickBooks Online: Bank Reconciliation
QuickBooks Online: Dashboard
QuickBooks Online: Mobile Dashboard
QuickBooks Online: Customers
QuickBooks Online: Mobile Shortcuts
QuickBooks Online: Create Invoice
QuickBooks Online: Sales Vendors
QuickBooks Online: Bill Pay
QuickBooks Online: Banking
QuickBooks Online: Expense Dashboard
QuickBooks Online: Payroll Dashboard
What We Like
Customizable invoicing
Extensive pre-built and custom reports
Automatic exchange rates
What We Don’t Like
Comparatively expensive
Few industry-specific features
Limited users per plan
Price Range: $
Starting Price: $30/month
Client OS: Web
Deployment: Cloud Hosted

Real-time inventory management allows small to medium-sized firms to monitor stock levels, optimize storage, and ensure prompt order fulfillment. Effective inventory control can enhance customer satisfaction and cash flow. If inventory is your main concern rather than broader operations such as HR or finance, specialized tools like Fishbowl Inventory or HandiFox might be more suitable than a comprehensive ERP system.

Fishbowl Inventory: Dashboard
Fishbowl Inventory: Item Status
Fishbowl Inventory: Vendor Information
Fishbowl Inventory: Ledgers
Fishbowl Inventory: Calendar
Fishbowl Inventory: Dashboard
Fishbowl Inventory: Part List
Fishbowl Inventory: Purchase Orders & Sales Orders
What We Like
Competitive pricing; does not require a subscription
Integrates with QuickBooks
Can function as a light MRP system
What We Don’t Like
Somewhat steep learning curve
Transactions do not post to QuickBooks in realtime; manual or scheduled sync only
Customizations can lead to difficult support scenarios
Price Range: $$$
Starting Price: $4,395 (perpetual license)
Client OS: Windows, macOS
Deployment: Cloud or On-Premises

Customer relationship management (CRM) helps smaller companies track sales leads, understand client preferences, and refine communication strategies. It also bolsters customer loyalty and streamlines sales processes. While NeonCRM caters to nonprofits with features like fundraising and event registration, infoodle serves charities and community groups, offering donor management and group communication functionalities.


NeonCRM: Events Management
NeonCRM: Account Page
NeonCRM: Custom Form Builder
What We Like
Flexible pricing options
Uses smart deduplication to limit manual data entry
Customizable reports
What We Don’t Like
Support is a separate charge
Built-in email template tool can be complex
Customizing reports can be challenging
Price Range: $$
Starting Price: $99/month
Client OS: Web
Deployment: Cloud Hosted

Human capital management (HCM) streamlines HR processes, covering everything from recruitment to retirement. It aids in talent acquisition, payroll, performance reviews, and compliance. For businesses primarily focused on workforce management, specialized tools like BambooHR are more suitable than a comprehensive ERP.


BambooHR: Employee Details
BambooHR: Document Storage
BambooHR: Applicant Tracking
BambooHR: Onboarding
BambooHR: Time Off
BambooHR: Employee Performance
What We Like
Focuses on entire employee lifecycle
Offers free trial
Includes built-in approval workflows and templates
What We Don’t Like
Limited growth opportunities for larger companies
Pricing requires consultation
Price Range: $$$
Starting Price: $99/month
Client OS: iOS, Android, Web
Deployment: Cloud Hosted

Business intelligence tools empower SMBs with data-driven decision-making by visualizing data patterns, analyzing market trends, and predicting future scenarios. Tableau transforms complex data into intuitive graphics, while Power BI, integrated with Microsoft’s suite, delivers deep analytics in user-friendly reports.

Microsoft Power BI: Query Grabbing Page
Microsoft Power BI: Manage Security Roles
Microsoft Power BI: Dashboard
Microsoft Power BI: Map Viewing
Microsoft Power BI: Desktop Free Version Dashboard
Microsoft Power BI: Opportunity Analysis Dashboard
Microsoft Power BI: Downtime By Vendor and Category
Microsoft Power BI: Downtime and Defect Analysis
Microsoft Power BI: Supplier Quality Analysis
Microsoft Power BI: Sales Category Trends
Microsoft Power BI: Store Sales Overview
Microsoft Power BI: Retail Store Performance Dashboard
Microsoft Power BI: Discount Analysis
Microsoft Power BI: Procurement Analysis
Microsoft Power BI: Opportunity Analysis
Microsoft Power BI: IT Spending Analysis
Microsoft Power BI: New Hire Analysis
Microsoft Power BI: Customer Profitability Dashboard
What We Like
Free version available
Frequent updates
High-impact, visual data summaries
What We Don’t Like
Basic features
Cannot share without upgrading to Pro
Limited access to other databases and servers
Price Range: $$$
Starting Price: $10/user/month
Client OS: Windows, iOS, Android, Web
Deployment: Cloud or On-Premises

Best-of-Breed Software: Pros and Cons


  • Specialization: Each software is tailored for a specific function, offering deeper and more nuanced features than a generalized system.
  • Flexibility: Businesses can pick and choose the exact tools that fit their unique needs. Businesses can adopt additional standalone tools as they grow or as new needs arise without overhauling their entire software ecosystem.
  • Innovation Pace: Standalone tools, especially those in competitive markets, evolve quickly, introducing new features and improvements faster.
  • Less Overhead: Firms can reduce system bloat and associated overhead by foregoing the unnecessary features found in all-in-one solutions.


  • Interoperability: Seamless communication between standalone systems is not a given. Companies may require middleware or custom solutions to convert and transfer data smoothly.
  • Increased Complexity: Incorporating multiple specialized systems introduces complexity to the IT environment due to their varied technology stacks and architectures. Additionally, the increased integration points heighten the risk of potential failures.
  • Inconsistencies: Fragmented systems can lead to scattered data and data silos. Synchronization discrepancies can lead to outdated decision-making.
  • Vendor Management: Vendors may not synchronize their software updates, posing compatibility challenges. Planning for downtimes or modifications can be complex. Additionally, vendors can differ in their customer support, showcasing varied response times and resolution methods.

Vendor ERP Systems: Pros and Cons


  • Unified System: A unified platform ensures consistent and streamlined processes throughout the organization. With all data centralized in one system, ERPs can produce detailed reports encompassing various departmental activities.
  • Integrated Data: A traditional ERP system ensures data consistency, integrity, and the elimination of data silos. This centralized approach contrasts with disjointed systems where each department might maintain its own data set, potentially leading to discrepancies.
  • Simplified Vendor Management: Companies only have to manage one contract, support structure, and update schedule.
  • Holistic View: Top management gains a consolidated view of operations through a unified dashboard. This system gathers real-time data from various departments, facilitating informed decision-making and eliminating manual data aggregation.


  • Vendor Lock-in: Relying on a single vendor can constrain adaptability. Companies become dependent on the vendor’s decisions, capabilities, and stability, potentially impeding growth and flexibility.
  • Integration Challenges with External Systems: Internal integrations tend to be more seamless, but interfacing with external tools or platforms can present challenges. This often involves adapting the ERP’s intricate data structures to match the simpler or diverse configurations of these third-party systems.
  • Cost: Beyond initial costs, unexpected charges can arise from customizations. Furthermore, recurring fees for maintenance or updates can increase the overall ownership cost.
  • Over-featured: ERPs often come with a broad range of features, some of which may be irrelevant for particular businesses. Surplus functions can crowd the system’s interface, challenging employees to locate and utilize the tools essential for their tasks.

What are the ERP alternatives?

ERP alternatives include standalone software solutions focused on specific business needs. Examples include NeonCRM for CRM, Fishbowl Inventory for inventory management, and BambooHR for HR technologies.

How do I choose an ERP alternative?

Identify your main business requirements. For SMEs seeking cost-effective and quick-to-implement solutions, consider tools like QuickBooks for accounting or infoodle for donor management.

How do customizations for best-of-breed solutions compare to ERP?

Best-of-breed solutions provide deep customization in their specialty, enabling businesses to align the software closely with their unique needs. In contrast, while ERP systems allow broad customization across functions, they might struggle to offer the same depth in a specific area without extra modules. When choosing a solution, evaluate the customization depth needed for your business processes.

Are best-of-breed solutions more cost-effective than traditional ERP systems?

Best-of-breed solutions often have a lower initial cost than full-scale ERP systems. Yet, the integration and maintenance costs of standalone systems can add up over time. When deciding between the two, consider both immediate and long-term financial impacts.

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