A lease accounting and administration software designed to manage real estate and equipment leases.
Since implementing AMTdirect we now pay all of our rents through a link to our Oracle system. We have a number of different lease administration individuals that can all access the program and obtain information from the scanned document at the same time. It’s extremely beneficial to us and has saved us a great deal of time.
What impressed me with AMTdirect was the fact that they could speak retailer’s language. When we went through the process of interviewing certain competitors of theirs, as well as them, they were able to come back to us with very specific examples of how they could help our business. They knew exactly what we were looking for and what we were talking about. We also felt that culturally they would be a good fit and a good partner for Clark’s. Their mission statement was very similar to ours.
From the very beginning, the process at first I thought would be overwhelming, but it really wasn’t that overwhelming. They have such great processes in place to implement the software for our company. They either train you how to do it or have services where they do it for you. We utilized both services. We took some of our leases and they abstracted them for us and then they trained us how to do additional one. Now I’m able to abstract my own leases.