Sage BusinessVision Accounting
9 Reviews 3.5/5 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★- End-Of-Life
This product is no longer sold to new customers. Only the 2023 version is available to current BusinessVision users. As an alternative, we recommend Sage 300 or Intacct.
Product Overview
Sage BusinessVision Accounting is an accounting and business management solution designed for growing businesses, particularly in the wholesale, retail, and light manufacturing sectors. It offers a range of general accounting features such as accounts receivable and payable, general ledger, account reconciliation, sales analysis, financial reporting, purchase orders, and more.
While a 2023 version of Sage BusinessVision is available to current users, all older versions are considered end-of-life, and support has ended. Please visit the Sage accounting software brand page for alternatives.
- Customizable payroll management
- Affordable and scalable for growing businesses
- Comprehensive financial reporting features
- Limited third-party integrations
- Older versions are considered end-of-life and support is ending
- No built-in mileage tracking
Target Market
Startups and growing small to medium-sized businesses in the wholesale, retail, and light manufacturing industries. It’s particularly well-suited for those needing a comprehensive solution that includes inventory management, financial reporting, and payroll processing.Although Sage BusinessVision is not sold by VARs anymore, you can still download the 2023 version if you are a current BV user.
Recommended Alternative
Sage Intacct is a cloud-based financial management software that is a great alternative to BusinessVision Accounting. It offers comprehensive reporting, multi-entity support, and GAAP-compliant core accounting functionality.
For more alternatives, check out our page on The Best Small Business Accounting Software.
Limited Edition: Ideal for smaller organizations, this single-user system delivers incredible performance at an economical price.
Small Business Edition: The next level in enterprise management, this 3-user system builds on the functionality first introduced in the Limited Edition.
Standard Edition: Fully featured and optimized for mid-sized enterprises, this 5-user system is expandable with the Optional LAN pack.
Client Server Edition: Designed for high transaction, heavy user load situations, this industrial-strength 10-user system is expandable to over 100 users.
Retail Edition: For retail companies that require point-of-sale capabilities. This edition is best suited for 1-10 users.
Accounts Payable
BusinessVision maintains a complete history of open (unpaid) and closed (paid) items for every supplier. You can even establish your own aging periods and produce graphs of supplier account aging at any time. Unique flagging and linking features are designed to apply payments to many open items, or to link associated items together. Accounts Payable details can be kept on file indefinitely, with instant access to the original purchase order and General Ledger transaction.
- Displays ListViews of account codes and names for easy browsing and selection.
- Equips most browse windows with toolbars extending lines available in a browse.
- Offers search and find options with multiple criteria.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Permits user-specified alternate search key of up to ten characters for quick and convenient record retrieval.
- Performs open item accounting by supplier.
- Allows users to e-mail suppliers directly from Accounts Payable screen.
- Displays on-screen account history, five configurable aging periods, and due dates for unpaid items.
- Presents an open item screen for easy payment application.
- Offers unique flagging and linking capabilities for multiple-item payments.
- Fully supports partial and on-account payments.
- Provides drill-down access to General Ledger journal entry.
- Provides the ability to view closed purchase orders.
- Offers automatic calculation of available discounts.
- Generates purchase statistics by supplier.
- Produces 1099 forms (U.S.).
- Produces CPRS T5018 forms for vendors (Canada).
- Calculates and posts GST/HST/QST credits automatically (Canada).
- Displays a graphical view of account aging.
- Supports multiple bank accounts with built-in check writer.
- Generates reports by specific supplier or range of suppliers.
- Fully integrated with Purchase Order, Job Cost, and General Ledger.
- Offers a comprehensive Batch Payables feature that accommodates en masse payments with user specified payment dates, supplier range and monetary limits.
- Produces checks or payment vouchers quickly and easily through a Wizard-based instant check feature.
- Permits check voiding on open payments or payments that have been applied to one or multiple items, automatically updating all relevant accounts.
Accounts Receivable
BusinessVision maintains a complete history of open (unpaid) and closed (paid) items for every customer. You can even establish your own aging periods and produce graphs of customer account aging at any time. Unique ýflaggingý and linking features are designed to apply payments to many open items or to link associated items together. Accounts Receivable details can be kept on file indefinitely, with instant access to the original invoice and General Ledger transaction.
- Displays ListViews of account codes and names for easy browsing and selection.
- Allows browse windows to be resized by user and maintains user-specific settings.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Offers powerful search and find options with multiple criteria.
- Provides scrollbars in most browse windows, allowing for additional lines.
- Permits user-specified alternate search key of up to ten characters.
- Customer database dynamically links with popular contact management systems (Goldmine, Act 2000!, MS Outlook, and Maximizer), providing optional one-directional or two-directional updates.
- Provides simple check voiding option, automatically updating all relevant accounts.
- Performs open item accounting by customer.
- Permits territory code grouping of customers (e.g. by sales area).
- Accommodates multiple shipping addresses.
- Allows users to e-mail customers directly (invoices, statements, messages).
- Displays on-screen account history with five configurable aging periods.
- Calculates sales tax and GST/HST automatically (Canada).
- Displays an open item screen for easy payment application.
- Offers unique flagging and linking capabilities for multiple item payments.
- Provides the ability to view and reprint invoices.
- Allows for drill-down to the General Ledger journal entry.
- Fully supports partial and unapplied payments.
- Generates sales and profit statistics by customer.
- Performs automatic calculation and verification of discounts given.
- Conducts automatic or manual calculation and posting of finance charges.
- Generates reports by specific customer, range of customers or sales territory.
- Fully integrated with Order Entry, Point-of-Sale, Job Cost and General Ledger.
- Provides powerful batch invoicing capabilities allowing many invoices to be processed and printed at once.
- Supports scheduled billing of different order types at different intervals. e.g. All orders in territory ABC to be billed Monday, all orders in territory XYZ to be billed on Tuesday.
- Prompts user when customer requires the use of a purchase order number.
- Allows negative discounts to be stored in the customer profile in order to accommodate surcharges.
Bank Reconciliation
- Provides the ability to automate account reconciliation process through on-line bank reconciliation (matched to QIF/OFX file downloaded from your Bank).
- Displays and matches the Account Reconciliation window and QIF/OFX file simultaneously for easy analysis.
- Automatically generates reports indicating reconciled items, unreconciled items and a reconciliation summary.
- Provides the ability to post G/L journal entries for adjustment.
- Flags all reconciled items on the General Ledger.
- Provides the ability to suspend and re-start reconciliation process.
- Offers drill-down to G/L journal entry.
Bill of Material
Bill of Material, available in BusinessVision Standard and SQL Editions, is designed for easy creation and maintenance of lists of components required to assemble or manufacture finished goods or sub-assemblies. Using the Bill of material module, you can trial build (check) to see if enough materials are available to build the desired quantity of finished goods or kits. The Bill of Material module will provide critical information with respect to shortages, outages, costs and order of assembly information. All information is displayed on-line.
- Displays ListViews for inventory items and bill components for easy browsing and selection.
- Offers powerful search and find capabilities with multiple criteria.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Maintains unlimited parts/components in a bill.
- Maintains up to 99 categories of components (e.g. packaging, labor, fasteners).
- Supports nine levels of sub-assemblies.
- Permits non-stock items.
- Performs automatic substitutions or inclusions of alternate part numbers.
- Supports both kitted and manufactured bills.
- Caters for scrap and yield percentages.
- Supports revision levels.
- Provides trial build for quick and easy assessment of requirement and shortage scenarios.
- Processes cost roll-up inquiry for average and current costs.
- Enables user to quickly determine if and where an inventory item is used in a Bill of Material through a comprehensive where used inquiry.
- Displays detailed on-screen indented inquiry.
- Generates thorough reports including indented, costed, and where used bill of material detail.
- Fully integrated with Inventory and Order Entry modules.
Budgets & Forecasts
The Budgets & Forecasts module, available in BusinessVision 32 Standard and SQL Editions, is designed to facilitate the rapid development of plans and has the facility to refine those plans in order to produce an accurate yardstick against which you can measure the performance of your business.
- Links to actual performance information in the General Ledger.
- Budgets last year, this year, and next year.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Performs automatic roll-up of departmental budgets to the total company budget.
- Calculates budgets using the previous year’s actuals or budgets automatically.
- Distributes annual budget amounts automatically based on user-defined seasonal trends.
- Performs inflation calculations and adjustments automatically.
- Permits user-defined rounding.
- Allows revised budget while maintaining original budget.
- Provides forecasting based on year-to-date performance and balance-of-year budgets.
- Performs automatic forecasting and budget revisions using performance versus plan trends.
- Generates what-if scenarios for accurate forecasting.
- Exports budget, actual and forecast data to a spreadsheet in one easy step.
- Displays budget, forecast, and performance values graphically.
- Generates multiple comprehensive reports, including budget worksheets, actual versus budget/forecast, budget detail report.
Customer Details
- Browse and select from ListViews of account codes and names - account codes may contain up to six characters.
- Powerful search and find options with multiple criteria.
- Alternate user-defined search key of up to thirty characters can be specified (e.g. customer telephone number).
- Customer database dynamically links with popular contact management systems.
- Open item accounting by customer.
- Territory code grouping of customers (e.g. by sales area).
- Multiple shipping addresses.
- E-mail customers directly.
- On-screen account history with five configurable aging periods.
- Automatic sales tax and GST/HST calculations (Canada).
- Open the item window for easy payment application.
- Unique flagging and linking ý capabilities for multiple-item payments.
- Ability to view and reprint invoices.
- Drill down to the General Ledger journal entry.
- Partial and unapplied payments are fully supported.
- Sales and profit statistics by customer.
- Unique revenue account by customer or group of customers.
- Automatic calculation and verification of discounts given.
- Automatic or manual calculation and posting of finance charges.
- Graphical view of account aging.
- Reports produced by specific customers, range of customers, or sales territory.
- View last invoice.
- Discounts and negative discounts (surcharge) by customer.
- Prompts user when customer requires the use of a purchase order.
- Hold facility.
- Credit limit checking.
General Ledger
The dynamic General Ledger can produce up-to-date balance sheets and income statements at any time. No batching or waiting until month-end. In fact, you can forget that month-end exists because BusinessVision handles it automatically. You can even post transactions into last year (with proper authority), making your year-end a snap! The General Ledger Inquiry function offers five levels of detail. The first level provides an on-screen overview of all General Ledger accounts and present balances, the second shows the net change and closing balances for each month per account, and the third shows every transaction on the General Ledger, starting at the period you select. The fourth and fifth levels permit complete on-screen reconstruction of the journal entry, invoice, or purchase order. If desired, the General Ledger may be departmentalized, permitting different departments of a company to record transactions with a unique Chart of Accounts.
- Allows users to define a Chart of Accounts or select one of the Charts of Accounts provided.
- Displays ListViews of account codes and names for easy browsing and selection.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Offers powerful search and find options with multiple criteria.
- Provides Divisional capability - three-character division code and full reporting by division.
- Accommodates an unlimited number of accounts, with four segments and twenty-four characters in account number.
- Provides the option to automatically process recurring journal entries when posting identical journal entries on a scheduled basis.
- Recurring entries may also update Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.
- Supports unlimited transactions per account, viewable at any time.
- Automatically numbers journal entries, forcing them to balance at the time of entry – up to 198 transaction lines/entry.
- Provides the ability to create and maintain Allocation Accounts.
- Real-time processing means no month-end processing – the system is always up-to-date.
- Permits past and future period postings, this year or last year (with authority).
- Provides fully automatic year-end close procedure with lockable months.
- Displays changes in financial position by period and account.
- Provides GIFI code cross-reference table (Canada).
- Generates bank and/or account reconciliation and reporting.
- Displays a graphical view of net change/balances by month versus the previous year.
- Allows account details to be printed or viewed for any period.
- Generates reports by account number, segment, transaction number or fiscal period.
- Generates consolidated General Ledger Reports for multiple companies.
- Generates Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Comparative Performance reports for any period.
- Offers fully customizable WYSIWYG financial reporting with the optional Crystal Reports from Seagate Software and F9 from Synex Systems
The Inventory module handles an unlimited number of items and serial numbers, and pictures can be embedded directly into the Inventory file for rapid and easy recognition. Multiple warehouses, multiple price lists, quantity breaks, and vendor pricing are just a few of the many features maintained on the Inventory profile. Numerous reports help you track sales/usage of all parts/components or services to help you manage this vital area of your business. Automatic tracking of customers’ back ordered items and stock commitment levels is available on-screen at all times. Re-order, backorder, and margin calculations are built right into this powerful system.
- Displays ListViews of part numbers and item descriptions for easy browsing and selection.
- Offers powerful search and find options with multiple criteria.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Allows up to fifteen-character stock codes or service item codes.
- Supports fractional inventory - up to three decimal places.
- Offers multiple warehouse inventory control with a two-digit warehouse code.
- Tracks vendor part number and cost price by item.
- Supports LIFO, FIFO, and Average Costing Methods.
- Displays a graphical view of sales/usage patterns by item by month (rolling twelve-month period).
- Provides two tax indicators for billing functions to use.
- Supports serial numbers up to twenty-five characters.
- Offers flexible serial number allocation options, such as manual and automatic, upon receipt or at the time of sale.
- Displays stock location code by item.
- Records up to twenty price lists per item.
- Supports quantity break discount pricing – nine breaks per item.
- Provides a price discount matrix by product group and customer type.
- Allows for dynamic tracking of on-hand, on-order, backorder, and re-order requirements.
- The handy receiving function allows for cost, selling price, and location change options.
- Supports alternate part number tracking.
- Stores images, allowing users to view pictures of inventory items.
- Supports 320-character comment items for service details or special messages.
- Reports by warehouse, product line, item, or range of items.
- The Inventory module is fully integrated with the Order Entry, Point-of-Sale, Purchase Order and Bill of Material modules.
- Offers a unique physical inventory subsystem that uses a data snapshot to enable users to perform a physical inventory count without halting business.
- Provides an import/export option.
- Offers the option to restrict the ability to modify inventory quantities by user.
Job Cost
The Job Cost module allows you to easily track income, expense and time by job or project. Used on its own or in conjunction with Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Order Entry, General Ledger, and Payroll Modules, the Job Cost module allows you to track an unlimited number of jobs, each divided into up to 999 categories.
- Displays ListViews by job number and sub-account for easy browsing and selection.
- Provides powerful search and find options.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Operates as a stand-alone module or in conjunction with the general accounting functions.
- Tracks an unlimited number of jobs, projects, or dockets.
- Provides income, expense and gross profit information on each job and job sub-category.
- Allows jobs to be subdivided, supporting up to 999 accounts.
- Displays ongoing estimates, actual cost, and gross profit by job and sub-category.
- Provides convenient drill-down access to detailed transactions and job cost journal entries.
- Permits past period postings (with authority).
- Produces reports by job or by a range of jobs.
Order Entry
The heart of virtually any business is order processing, and that’s where BusinessVision’s powerful and comprehensive Order Entry module really excels, allowing an unlimited number of orders, quotations, layaways, and standing orders, and the automatic or manual back ordering of out-of-stock items. Orders draw down both inventory and non-stock/service items immediately, and when invoiced, the system automatically calculates taxes, revenue, cost-of-goods, receivables, etc - posting this vital information directly to the General Ledger. No need to worry about journal entries or debits and credits because BusinessVision does it all automatically. It even maintains a history of every invoice that has been produced, affording in-depth analysis of sales, margins, and profit.
- Displays ListViews of customers, stock items, orders, quotations, and layaways for easy browsing and selection.
- Offers powerful search and find options with multiple criteria.
- Supports quotations, standing (recurring) orders, layaways, credit holds, and backorders.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Includes automatic order/invoice processing for periodic billing or subscription and membership renewals.
- Provides credit limit verification for orders and invoices.
- Offers the ability to restrict user invoicing ability for customers over the credit limit.
- Supports up to 99 tax rates. Also fully supports GST/HST (Canada).
- Automatically creates backorders for unfilled items (with manual override).
- Performs automatic or manual serial number allocation.
- Supports multiple discounts by customer and item.
- Permits non-stock, service items, and comments to be conveniently entered.
- Permits selling price override at the time of order entry.
- Supports line item discounts.
- Handles separate billing and shipping addresses.
- Fully supports returns and credit memos.
- Supports direct e-mail, fax, and printing of multiple-page invoices.
- Changes quotations to billable orders at the click of a button.
- Permits negative discounts, effectively adding a surcharge to the order.
- Allows overrides of prices, terms, tax, freight, discount, and salesperson.
- Displays item availability, location, and alternate part number on-screen.
- Displays cost price (with proper authority).
- Provides the option to process invoices, quotes, and packing slips individually or in batches.
- Allocates inventory at the time of order.
- Offers complete integration with Bill of Material, automatically drawing components of kitted items.
- Automatically updates Inventory, Accounts Receivable, Sales History, and General Ledger immediately at the time of billing.
- Provides negative inventory processing option.
- Reports by order number or range of order numbers.
- Fully integrated with Inventory, Accounts Receivable, Job Cost, and General Ledger.
- Prompts the user to print packing slips, order confirmations, invoices, and shipping labels.
Payroll - Canadian
Payroll management becomes easy with BusinessVision. BusinessVision automatically calculates federal and provincial withholdings. Pay history for any employee can be viewed at any time - right down to the individual’s timecard for a pay period. Departmentalization can be used to allocate payroll expenses to various General Ledger accounts. Multiple benefit and deduction categories are available, making payroll suitable for most needs.
- Browse and select ListViews of employee numbers and names - employee number may be up to six digits.
- Powerful search and find options with multiple criteria.
- E-mail employees directly.
- View pictures of employees.
- Payroll may be run separately for up to 99 departments.
- Complete flexibility for salaried, commissionable, or hourly-paid employees.
- Multiple pay frequencies, e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, etc.
- Fast timecard entry, permitting the allocation of wages to up to eighty General Ledger expense accounts per employee.
- Automatic timecard creation for salaried employees.
- Paycheque voiding capability.
- Unlimited timecard and payroll history for each employee is maintained on file, permitting on-screen inquiry for past pay periods.
- Provisions for wages/salary, regular time, overtime, other time, commission, vacation, advances, etc.
- Automatic calculation of Federal tax, Provincial tax, CPP/QPP, EI, Worker’s Compensation/CSST, RSP, and insurable earnings, with user override provision. All provinces and territories supported. Union dues, remote allowance, and up to ten additional benefits and ten additional deductions on each timecard. Pays out or retains vacation pay automatically.
- Paycheques can be produced in batch mode, or a single paycheque can be printed on the fly.
- Reports may be produced by department, employee, or range of employees.
- Direct deposit.
Payroll - US
Payroll management becomes easy with BusinessVision. BusinessVision automatically calculates federal and state withholdings. Pay history for any employee can be viewed at any time - right down to the individual’s timecard for a pay period. Departmentalization can be used to allocate payroll expenses to various General Ledger accounts. Multiple benefit and deduction categories are available, making payroll suitable for most needs.
- Browse and select ListViews of employee numbers and names - employee number may be up to six digits.
- Powerful search and find options with multiple criteria.
- E-mail employees directly.
- View pictures of employees.
- Payroll may be run separately for up to 99 departments.
- Complete flexibility for tipped, salaried, commissionable, or hourly-paid employees.
- Multiple pay frequencies, e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, etc.
- Fast timecard entry, permitting the allocation of wages to up to eighty General Ledger expense accounts per employee.
- Automatic timecard creation for salaried employees.
- Paycheck voiding capability.
- Unlimited timecard and payroll history for each employee is maintained on file, permitting on-screen inquiry for past pay periods.
- Provisions for wages/salary, regular time, overtime, other time, tips, commission, vacation, advances, etc.
- Automatic calculation of FIT, FICA, FUTA, SIT, SUTA, and SDI for employer and employee, with user override provision. All states supported. Union dues up to five additional benefits and five additional deductions on each timecard. Provision for the definition and withholding of local taxes.
- Paychecks can be produced in batch mode, or a single paycheck can be printed on the fly.
- Reports may be produced by department, employee, or range of employees.
The high-speed Point-of-Sale function is designed specifically for point-of-purchase transaction processing and can be used with barcode readers, cash drawers, receipt printers, and display poles.
- Provides high-speed hands-free option at point-of-sale (no keyboard entry required).
- Supports cash drawer, barcode readers and popular pole displays.
- Supports popular point-of-sale printers (paper rolls).
- Displays ListView of SKUs for quick and easy browsing and selection.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Provides quick access to existing customer files for on-account and cash/credit card sales.
- Allows retail customers to be added to the database on the fly.
- Supports line item discounts.
- Supports serial number entry and allocation.
- Permits non-stock, service items, and comments to be entered conveniently.
- UPC Alternate part number feature.
- Supports credits and returns.
- Handles multiple taxes and GST/HST (Canada).
- Supports layaway sales orders and periodic payments.
- Permits multiple payment types, fully supporting on-account and split-tendering.
- Performs all accounting automatically.
- Generates daily sales reports by clerk and grand totals (X and Z totals) by payment method.
- Generates complete end-of-day and periodic reporting.
- Fully integrated with Inventory, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger.
Purchase Analysis
The Purchase Analysis module is used in conjunction with the Purchase Order module. Closed purchase orders can be stored in the BusinessVision history files for further analysis in this powerful reporting module. Up to 99 years of purchase history may be stored.
Purchase information may be viewed by purchase order number, time period, supplier, or part number. In addition, filters can be specified to enable you to include only information that passes certain criteria (e.g. timeframe, part number, supplier). If desired, the actual purchase order details may be viewed.
- Maintains purchase order details on file indefinitely.
- Displays purchase orders by the supplier, purchase order number, date range, item purchased, or buyer.
- Allows past purchase orders to be viewed at any time.
- Provides drill-down access to General Ledger journal entry.
- Generates daily, monthly, and periodic purchase order reporting.
- Produces reports in both summary and detailed format.
Purchase Order
Fully integrated with the Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Inventory, and Job Cost modules, the Purchase Order module allows you to keep track of vendors, purchases, costs, payables, and much more. Purchase orders can be closed directly to Accounts Payable and the General Ledger, with the automatic calculation of landed cost. AutoPost even manages accounting accruals at the time goods are received. Purchase history can be retained indefinitely, and purchase orders may be viewed at any time. Purchase information may be viewed by purchase order number, time period, vendor, or part number, and additional filters can be used to specify your desired display or reporting criteria.
- Displays ListViews of supplier codes and inventory items for easy browsing and selection.
- Determines permission to post invoices to the Accounts Payable module, by user.
- Provides powerful search and find options with multiple criteria.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Assigns purchase order numbers automatically.
- Stores and maintains vendor part numbers and prices on file automatically.
- Supports vendor discounts.
- Permits non-stock items and comments to be entered conveniently.
- Supports direct e-mail, fax, and printing of multiple-page purchase orders.
- Permits override of prices, terms, taxes, freight, discount, and buyer.
- Accepts partial receipts, with automatic accrual to the General Ledger.
- Supports receipt and entry of serialized items.
- Displays item availability, on-order and on-backorder quantities on-screen.
- Updates inventory on-order record automatically when a purchase order is issued/printed.
- Updates inventory on-hand record automatically when items are received.
- Supports fractional quantities to three decimal places.
- Calculates landed cost.
- Allows closed purchase orders to be viewed and re-printed.
- Provides the option to close purchase orders directly into Accounts Payable and General Ledger.
- Supports interim vendor invoices.
- Maintains purchase history details on file indefinitely.
- Generates reports by purchase order number or range of purchase order numbers.
- Fully integrated with Inventory, Accounts Payable, Job Cost, and General Ledger.
Sales Analysis
The Sales Analysis module is used in conjunction with the Order Entry and Point-of-Sale modules. Invoices and point-of-sale bills can be stored in the BusinessVision history files for further analysis in this powerful reporting module. Up to 99 years of sales history may be stored.
Sales information may be viewed by invoice number, time period, customer, part number, or serial number. In addition, filters can be specified to enable you to include only information that passes certain criteria. (e.g., time-frame, part number, serial number, sales territory). If desired, the actual sales invoice may be viewed and reprinted.
- Maintains sales invoice details on file indefinitely.
- Displays invoices or sales by customer, invoice number, date range, item, serial number, or sales territory.
- Allows past invoices to be viewed and re-printed at any time.
- Provides drill-down access to General Ledger journal entry.
- Permits keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.
- Calculates daily sales reports and point-of-sale details/totals.
- Generates complete monthly and periodic sales reporting.
- Produces reports in both summary and detailed format.
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User Reviews of Sage BusinessVision Accounting
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- Construction & Engineering
- 11-50 employees
- Annual revenue $1M-$10M
Pretty much everything
Some nice functions, but overall insufficient and certainly not the easiest to use. Using the batch functions requires only one user on system. Reporting is limited to poorly constructed reports, modifications require knowledge of Crystal Reports, and appears to have limited data pull options. Inventory is not structured well as you need to re-create an item for each warehouse if you have multiple locations. The job cost function is not up to the task, as admitted by one of the developers. So use QuickBooks Enterprise, Netsuite or other Software, you and your accountant will be happier.
Pretty much everything
- Automotive
- 51-250 employees
- Annual revenue $10M-$50M
Sage BusinessVision Accounting Review
Add more features for manufacturing company.
All Support Engineers are excellent. They are the most valuable part in Business Vision.
Migrate from Pervasive SQL to MS SQL

Sage BusinessVision Accounting Review
Not user friendly and limited choices. Not impressed with the support and services and their attitude of being a monopoly.
Not really anything.
Not user friendly and bad service

- Automotive
- 11-50 employees
- Annual revenue $1M-$10M
No one answers the customer support line
Has a lot of features and is flexible, but can be glitchy. I cannot ever get through to customer support. The voice asks for an account number then says it can’t recognize it. THen goes on to say 'your call is important to us " but then hangs up! Why bother saying it if you don’t mean it
comprehensive integrated features. Memo tabs allow user to enter all notes on a customer, vendor, part number, any transaction . Easy access to historical data.
No one answers the customer support line. Cannot change font size. Glitchy and inconsistent in cheque printing

- Health Care Providers & Services
Sage BusinessVision Accounting Review
It has a lot of information in it, it is terribly un-user friendly, all of the work order and inventory were modules added after, at it’s root it’s designed by accountant for an accountant

- Leisure Products
- 1-10 employees
- Annual revenue $1M-$10M
Sage BusinessVision Accounting Review
For me, it has some good inventory module and does what we need it to do but it’s not an intuitive system to use. Therefore doing searches and everything gets to be a bit complicated for those without a strong systems background.

Terrific for small to mid size manufacturers
BusinessVision is a terrific software for small to mid size manufacturing companies, with complete functionality in accounting, customer and sales management, and inventory control. With built-in features such as auto-emailing customer invoices and purchase orders, recurring entries, business analytics, and much more to streamline your business processes.
There is a strong support community, online discussion forums, as well as User Manuals, with step-by-step instruction for all processes in all modules.

Sage BusinessVision Accounting Review
It is a good program. I use AP, AR, customer profiles, vendors and pretty much has everything I need. It works really well.
I mostly use the accounting parts of it and it has everything I need.
I wish it came with a manual.

Sage BusinessVision Accounting Review
We just moved up from an old dos program and it handles our accounting.
It is very easy to maneuver around and very easy to understand. Definitely user friendly.
I really don’t have a way to take an invoice and email it to someone.