Infor Distribution FACTS

4 Reviews 5/5
  • Discontinued
  • Not Actively Maintained

Infor Distribution FACTS is a web-based ERP system for distribution and wholesale trade companies. While the software still has available support, Infor Distribution FACTS is no longer sold. Infor recommends you look into their CloudSuite Distribution or CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) product as a replacement.

Product Overview

Infor Distribution FACTS is a distribution ERP software. It integrates inventory control, sales orders, and financials. While it still has available support, new licenses of Infor Distribution FACTS are no longer sold.


  • Multi-location inventory management
  • Enables the creation and conversion of quotes to orders
  • Provides data on product usage


  • Steep learning curve
  • Unintuitive user interface

Infor ERP FACTS is an ideal enterprise solution for distribution companies that want and need to keep virtually all of their focus on core business processes. It is highly configurable and has industry-specific functionality to streamline a wide range of processes including buying, stocking, selling, and servicing customers. Infor ERP FACTS helps distribution companies improve performance and cash flow, enhance customer service, and maximize resources company-wide.

Infor ERP FACTS features an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical interface and is designed to access and integrate data across an entire operation.

Key Functions

Key functional areas include:

  • Supply Chain Management - Enhances selling, sourcing, and delivery of goods to customers.
  • Financial Management - Provides seamless integration from operational areas to accounts payable, accounts receivable, and general ledger modules.
  • Enterprise Performance Management–Helps analyze key aspects of operations and share important business information across the enterprise.
  • Customer Relationship Management - Manages and enhances your interactions with prospects, customers and vendors.

Compatible Operating Systems:

Desktop OS:

  • Windows 95/98/ME
  • Windows 3.x
  • Windows NT 3.x
  • Windows NT 4.x
  • Windows 2000 Professional
  • Windows XP Professional

Server OS:

  • Windows
  • Unix
  • Linux

Database OS:

  • DB2
  • MS SQL Server

Accounts Payable

FACTS’ Accounts Payable provides efficient management of your trade and non-trade payables along with effective vendor management tools.

The Vendor Inquiry puts all the details about your vendors in one place for a snapshot of each account and allows you to drill down to the details when you need it:

  • View details on open and paid documents
  • Check Ledgercards to analyze transactions that have affected the vendor’s account
  • View payment history, such as MTD and YTD payments and discounts taken
  • Check vendor defaults, such as terms codes,document group and other key fields such as tax exempt information

Accounts Receivable

Other than inventory, no asset is typically larger than a distributor’s accounts receivable. FACTS offers a complete set of tools that enable distributors to better manage all their receivables by providing extensive reports and inquiries that are both convenient to access and easy to use.

FACTS makes receipt of cash quick and easy by providing time-saving tools:

  • Quickly apply checks using the Auto-Apply function
  • Easily find a customer number by entering the invoice number from the remittance advice of a check
  • Mark unapplied amounts of received cash as ýon-accountý for later application
  • Apply miscellaneous cash straight to a General Ledger account
  • Use Automatic Credit Application to apply a customer’s credits to outstanding invoices
  • The Returned Check function records bounced checks in the system so the customer’s account is accurately reflected

General Ledger

The tight integration of General Ledger with other functions of FACTS ensures accurate posting for multiple profit centers. The flexibility of settings offers the financial manager solid control over which accounts are affected with every transaction.

Each functional area in FACTS can post transactions to the general ledger via the versatile GL posting tables:

  • Stock movements are associated with a set of GL accounts according to default accounts,item classes, or even individual items
  • Customer account changes can impact the GL accounts by a set of default accounts or by customer
  • Each vendor has an associated GL table for guidance when expensing invoices
  • Multi-company environment supports branch and departmental profit centers according to the requirements of the financial manager

Inventory Control

A distributor’s largest asset is their inventory. When effectively managed, no other part of a distributor’s business can more positively impact their bottom line. To this end, FACTS Inventory Control provides a comprehensive set of tools that enable distributors to dramatically improve inventory management processes.

An accurate physical inventory will reduce costly errors and help maintain optimal levels of inventory to ensure you meet your customers needs.

FACTS gives you the tools to easily and effectively manage this process:

  • Perform full physical inventories or cycle counts based on user-defined criteria
  • Use the Discrepancy Report to identify possible re-count items
  • Use the Capture Quantities program to avoid downtime in your operations during physical inventory processing
  • Update inventory levels based on count entries

Job Cost

The Infor ERP FACTS Job Cost provides dynamic job tracking and the extensive reporting features needed to maximize sales and profits for project-oriented distributors.

Manufacturing Control

Distributors often manufacture or assemble goods with components from their inventory and FACTS Manufacturing Control provides distributors with a highly efficient system for managing these production processes. From production planning to finished goods, Manufacturing Control provides a step-by-step process that will reduce order fulfillment time and minimize the margin of error, thereby improving customer service.

Both bill of materials and formulation items are supported:

  • Finished items are produced and quantities are maintained in the warehouse
  • The warehouse staff uses the production ticket to pick the component items needed to produce the finished item
  • Serial numbers for multiple quantities can be created automatically based upon user input
  • Formula entry allows you to create finished items based upon ingredients and packaging items
  • Unlimited notes for each standard recipe and memos for each production run provide complete production instructions
  • Provides complete components or ingredients requirements, packaging requirements, production overhead, labor and cost analysis associated with all BOM/Formulation items
  • Provides a requirements report for up to five time periods based on production planning; analyzes and reports cost changes as they occur


the InforERP FACTS Payroll maintains and tracks employee data, manages check writing functions and provides extensive reporting for governmental and tax purposes.

Purchase Orders

FACTS’ Purchase Orders has the functionality and flexibility needed for today’s purchasing managers. Purchase Orders integrates with the Inventory Control and Sales Order programs to automate purchases for stocking items and special orders.

To save the buyer time, most purchase order lines are suggested from two sources–replenishment programs and from special sales order lines:

  • Review suggested POs from the replenishment programs or from a sales order for special orders
  • Combine stock and non-stocked orders to maximize buying targets and minimize paper flow
  • Import suggested PO lines into a new purchase order without re-keying data
  • Sync Purchase Order Entry with Vendor and Item Inquiry views, allowing these views to follow along as you enter new vendors and items
  • Receive notification if the PO is within 80% of the buying target with an option to automatically increase quantities evenly to meet the target
  • Print vendor-item numbers on purchase orders instead of or in addition to your own item numbers
  • See vital item information while in purchase order entry such as standard pack, weight,warehouse quantities and more

Report Writer

Report Writer is a high-performance tool that enables you to create reports from any FACTS data file, eliminating custom programming for special reporting needs. Infor ERP Facts Report Writer gives you the information you need to run your business more effectively.

Sales Analysis

Sales Analysis provides a multitude of views on past sales to help the distributor accurately identify the customers, salespeople and items that drive the most profitable revenue.

Past sales can be viewed by period comparison,multi-period or accumulated sales:

  • Customer, Customer Class and Customer by Item
  • Item, Item Class, and Item by Customer
  • Salesperson/Territory and Salesperson by item class
  • Other item-specific metrics such as Item by Lot,Temporary Items and Serialized Items
  • Sales by Branch and more
  • Reports can be ranked on the basis of Sales Dollars, Margin Dollars, Margin Percent, and for item based reports, Unit Volume

Sales Orders

For a distributor, it all begins with the sale. Without critical information at your fingertips at all times, your company can’t provide exceptional customer service. Without exceptional customer service, you can’t remain competitive. The FACTS Sales Order provide the tools to empower the distributor to offer top-notch customer service while managing the entire order cycle with ease.

FACTS Sales Orders streamlines the entire order processing cycle and gives distributors the information they need to improve customer service and eliminate costly errors.

Distributors can:

  • Customize order entry screen layout to eliminate keystrokes and speed entry time
  • Create new orders from past orders, open orders, or quotes
  • Sync Customer Inquiry and Item Inquiry views to Order Entry, allowing those views to follow along as you enter new customers and items
  • Use non-stock item functionality to track special orders without congesting replenishment reports
  • Commit backordered quantities automatically when goods are received, optionally giving rush orders priority
  • Maintain customer-specific item numbers so quotes, pick tickets, and invoices will display the customer’s preferred item number
  • Associate customer deposits with an order and apply the deposit upon order confirmation
  • Set up each customer with unique credit check rules, including credit limit, days grace and action taken when credit check fails
  • Mark an entire order to ship complete or only certain lines to ship complete, cutting down freight costs
Price Range Learn More
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   

Product Overview

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User Reviews of Infor Distribution FACTS

Submitted on March 20th, 2023 by Anonymous

The software has both pros and cons. Operating wise it is very slow and glitchy and the screen is small. It is not very user friendly. It will not allow a part number to be deleted, rather you have to set it as inactive but it will still come up in a search. For the Pros, it does allow multiple site logins, able to see inventory across all sister companies. It also has updated security features with the ability to set certain folders to view only under your login.

Submitted on February 20th, 2013 by Jeffrey Siegal

As we evolve, Infor has provided a product that has been able to grow with us.

Wherever we can knock costs off the system, we have to do it. Which we’ve been able to do with the FACTS system. The mroe that we can leverage our technological infrastructure, the more labor it will save us, and let us be more aggressive with our customers in terms of just raw cost, because in healthcare, cost is king.

Part of reducing labor and costs is through our web store. We have budget trackers where the facility will give us their spend per month and approved budget. They can see with every order they’ve placed, how much they have left. They can have alerts for when they hit certain thresholds to let them know they are coming close.

One of the most appealing aspects of our relationship with Infor is our channel partners. He works with every member of our team to make sure we can do our jobs efficiently. We have to take every piece of cost out of the system.

Submitted on February 20th, 2013 by Gary Sklar

Working with Infor and FACTS has been exceptionally helpful to me, my sales team, and the company. In order to get business from our customers, we have to have the lowest price.

Beyond the price, it’s very important that we have the products in stock and reliable delivery. Technology is such an important part of our business but we haven’t lost our human touch.

Utilizing the Infor Storefront system has helped us get our orders turned around extremely quickly for our customers. The Infor Storefront ordering system is able to track that order and make sure the order is followed through and sent through the door as quickly as possible.

The ability to be flexible has been part of our growth and will continue to be a part of our growth because healthcare continues to evolve.

Submitted on November 19th, 2012 by Anonymous

FACTS is a batch processing system. This means information is entered through either a document entry or a transaction entry. That information is stored in a temporary file. The general ledger is not updated, the information is not updated. The information is in a temporary file. This allows you to look at the data you’ve entered, change that to new data. Once satisfied, you can post it or update the information. It works on the principle of enter, print, and post.