A document and email management software commonly used by legal, financial, and professional service firms.

Product Overview

iManage is a document management software primarily designed for law firms and other professional services. It offers a mix of on-premise and cloud-based solutions, allowing for document storage, organization, email management, full-text search, version management, and more. The software integrates well with Microsoft Office and provides features like unique document IDs, document tagging, and user/group permissions.


  • Includes data encryption and multi-factor authentication
  • Integrates with Microsoft Word and Outlook
  • Enables secure document sharing with clients and external parties


  • Requires consult call for pricing
  • May require customization for specific industry needs

Target Market

Medium to large law firms or professional services that require robust document management and are equipped to handle the technical and financial aspects of its deployment. It’s ideal for organizations needing high-level security, compliance, and integration with Microsoft Office.

About iManage

iManage offers a number of tools to help organizations generate, manage, collaborate, edit, and archive documents and emails inside and outside of the office.

All of iManage’s products offer different tools and features for a company’s needs, and they all integrate seamlessly with each other.

Video Overview

iManage provides legal document management software through several products.

iManage Work

iManage Work focuses on secure, compliant, and organized filing of documents, files, contracts, communications, video, audio, and other digital. These tools lead to better document retention, easier search and retrieval, more efficient workflows, and more.

Administrators can build workflows for users to work on a project, with relevant documents moving from one user to the next along the way. Users will get notifications when a documents has been sent to them, and they can send it back down the line if changes need to be made.

Each version of each document can be saved and logged for reference, audit, and comparison. And feedback can be left on documents, leading to smoother communication.

Features of iManage Work

  • Automated Email Filing
  • Advanced Search
  • Customizable Workflows
  • Customer Managed Encryption Key (CMEK)

iManage Share

iManage Share is great for collaborating within and outside of an organization. Exchange documents with outside counsel, clients, consultants, partner firms, and more. Create a distinct cloud-based folder for different collaborations, and assign different sets of security and access for each one.

Partners without iManage can still access your collaboration folders through an easy-to-use browser interface provided by iManage Share. This helps keep all information in one place, helps all users work from any location at any time, and fosters teamwork.

iManage Share

  • Outlook Integration
  • Client Portal
  • Custom Branding
  • Review Who Accessed Documents and When

iManage Records Manager

iManage Records Manager helps organizations store, organize, and retrieve physical and digital documents. Administrators can customize event triggers, governance policies, access, security features, and more.

iManage Records Manager helps automate other issues like disposition processing. It will create summary emails for each disposition review task and send them to the approver with auto-generated list of matters, workspaces, folders, and physical files that are eligible for disposition.

Features of iManage Records Manager

  • Manage Digital and Physical Files
  • Customizable Retention Rules
  • Governance Control
  • Track Physical Files with Barcodes and RFID Tags
  • Assign Documents and Access

Product Overview

Related Products

  • DocLink
    A web-based document management & imaging service designed by Altec.
  • ViewCenter
    A document management software from ICM
  • M-Files
    An enterprise document management system from M-Files
  • Contentverse
    A document management system designed by Computhink.
  • IMS/21
    A multi-module management system designed by Vanguard Systems.

User Reviews of iManage

Submitted on April 30th, 2020 by Colin Smith

As stewards of information for our clients we need systems that enable us to maintain the highest level of confidentiality and rigor in how our client work-product is created, tracked and managed. iManage has served this very important need for us for over a decade and we are excited that the founding iManage team is taking the company back to its roots as an independent software company focused exclusively on our needs as an industry.

Submitted on April 30th, 2020 by Doug Caddell

Attorneys are not interested in ‘upgrades’ and are unwilling to spend time for marginal improvement. We needed something with ’wow‘ to get their attention. iManage Work 10 provides that wow. In fact, during a demo one of our attorneys said ‘wow’ 12 times! Our focus now…project WOW combining iManage Work 10, Office 2016 and Windows 10.