A web-based print shop management software for small to mid-sized print service providers.

Product Overview

PrintSmith Vision is a print shop management software that features estimating, job tracking, inventory management, production scheduling, CRM and more. It is designed for quick printers, digital print shops, sign and display businesses, CRDs, in-plant facilities and franchise printers.


  • Easy to setup and use
  • Efficient searching and locating documents
  • User-friendly rolling estimates and invoices


  • Requires consult call for pricing

Target Market

Small to mid size print service providers including commercial printers, digital printers and franchises, in-plant printing, creative agencies, and more.

PrintSmith Vision is a print shop management software designed for printing and copying services. It includes tools for estimating, point-of-sale, account management, production, and sales analysis, all accessible through a browser-based platform. This system allows for enhanced control over billing, cash flow, and customer service and includes optional eCommerce modules like PrintSmith Site for business growth.

PrintSmith Vision Key Features:

  • Print Scheduling
  • Job Tracking and Management
  • Estimating and Quoting
  • Inventory Management
  • Production Scheduling
  • Cost Estimation
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Reporting and Analytics

Critical benefits for companies using PrintSmith Vision include improved business performance visibility, enhanced customer service, increased billing accuracy and cash flow, and informed decision-making for profitability.

The Full System version automates print shop operations, offering pricing and estimating tools, integrated invoicing, and comprehensive management features like accounts receivable, customer lists, work-in-progress reports, and point-of-sale management.

PrintSmith Vision Digital is tailored for smaller-scale copy shops, supporting various printing services and offering features similar to the Full System but on a smaller scale, with an upgrade path to the Full System.

Estimating and quoting are streamlined, allowing for quick, accurate estimates and tracking client profitability. The financial management component automates job costing, invoicing, accounts payable, and receivable, linking with significant accounting packages for complete financial reporting.

An optional credit card processing module simplifies transactions, and the report manager module provides timely, accurate business insights, reducing reliance on spreadsheets.

Order management in PrintSmith Vision efficiently converts estimates to orders, integrating with financial management for comprehensive account oversight.

The scheduling module replaces traditional scheduling methods with a computer-based process, optimizing job delivery and resource utilization.

Lastly, the shop floor data collection module offers real-time data and job costing, with optional barcode readers for tracking production stages and quantities, enhancing operational visibility and efficiency.

Product Overview

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User Reviews of PrintSmith Vision

Submitted on January 25th, 2022 by Kathy Morgan Sir Speedy Irvine, CA

I’ve been a client for 26 years and the service is absolutely horrific. There isn’t anyone answering the phones. The only way to get support is entering a case on their portal, and then they will call back when they feel like it. No matter who I complain to it falls on deaf ears. I used to love this software, but there are so many bugs in it, that we’re struggling just to make it work.

The Good…

Love that it’s browser based, love the integrations with Four51 and Credit Cards. Love the inventory feature.

The Bad…

The amount of bugs that aren’t getting fixed. The service/support is non existent. Can’t call anyone to get an answer. For software that’s used to run my business, this was the worst decision I made, but now that we have so many integrations, I can’t go anywhere else.

Submitted on June 22nd, 2021 by Jeramiah Townsend

Printsmith Vision has gone through a major transformation for the better. Previous to the full implementation of “Vision” (v. 5.0) it was slow and clunky, and the workflow was dated at best. I was seriously planning on getting rid of it entirely and we had been with the company 18 years. With Vision (v5.0+) they have made massive improvements to workflow and the user interface and the program is finally usable. Not only that, it works so much better! Its so much easier to use.

The Good…

I really like the user interface. Its intuitive (unlike previous versions). It makes creating invoices and providing estimates easy.

The Bad…

Primarily, the report generator in the latest version (5.0) is still not great. They made minor improvements. But the reporting features requires you to use a third party software instead of making reports integrated. This is a major issue Printsmith and EFI needs to resolve still.

Secondly, who has ever heard of a manufacturing management software that doesn’t have an integrated production schedule module? EFI has one, but it comes separate. This is a major issue if you plan on growing your business more than a small shop. Its very disappointing that its not included.

Submitted on November 18th, 2020 by Anonymous

I wish I saw these reviews before we upgraded to Vision. We used classic for over 25 years and upgraded to vision about a year ago and it has been a nightmare. The software is very slow, clunky, unstable, hard to learn, has no current written documentation, terrible customer service. Their upgrades made it so all of our previous data is useless. My whole shop hates it and renamed it a name I can’t repeat on a public board. I think EFI went out of their way to make it unnecessarily slow and complicated. Now Vision is coming to an end and it’s time to switch to Fast Track. Guess what it’s even worse. All I can say is if you are considering PrintSmith, do yourself a favor and do your homework. There are better options.

The Good…

I do not like anything

The Bad…

There is nothing good about it

Submitted on August 5th, 2020 by Jeramiah

My shop has used Printsmith for several years. With the latest release of Vision 4.6.1, they have made vast improvements from previous installations. The software is much easier to use and much more intuitive to run. There are still improvements to be made, but I am much happier today than I was even a few months ago.

The Good…

The new interface is much more user friendly and easier to train staff compared to previous versions.

The Bad…

The reports features are horrible for creating and reviewing custom reports. I mean they have a list of reports that you have to DOWNLOAD without viewing, but you can’t sift through the data or arrange columns. And creating new reports is a giant pain.

A close second is the lack of a good CRM features. Sales are the lifeblood of any company, so a good software should have a more robust system. It has improved. It has. But Vision’s CRM features are still rudimentary.

Submitted on April 13th, 2020 by Jeramiah

Vision is suppose to make everything easier to run a print shop, but the learning curve is very steep, and any changes you want are difficult if not impossible to implement. Quick estimates are almost impossible. Accounting features must have been designed with torture in mind. And being able to create management reports and sort through the data is the worst I have ever seen.

The Good…

I don’t like anything about the program

The Bad…

Almost everything. Its not easy to update. Its not easy to train. Its not easy to make changes. Its horrible to create new reports. And although the support team is nice, they don’t have quick or easy answers. Its has allowed me to understand a new level of inescapable pain.

Submitted on March 12th, 2020 by Anonymous

I find it much slower than Classic with very few ‘new’ things that are any improvement

The Good…

The only thing I can think of is that when you check customer history for a specific item, all of the previous orders will display at once which is an improvement over Classic

The Bad…

It’s slow and clunky, even after using it for several months. It would be helpful if there was a manual available, or at least some basic instructions that could be downloaded. I heard from them weekly before we upgraded and spent the money. Now it takes over a week to get a response and fix from tech support.

Submitted on January 1st, 2020 by Debi Yerkes

We have been with PrintSmith for many years and used Classic - all along. At the very least it was an easier program then the new Vision which sucks. We have been in the printing business for 42 years and don’t need to do this much re educating for a Point of Sale Program. Our support that we pay for is lousy and expensive! Need I go on! Of course there is independent support out there! It’s the only way you get anywhere! We are considering going to a new program.

The Good…


The Bad…


Submitted on September 16th, 2019 by Anonymous

Went to a conference in Chicago this weekend to learn more about PrintSmith Vision and learned A LOT! Once everything is switched from the Legacy or Flash version to the HTML version I think overall it will be a better program then Classic BUT the developers need to quit thinking that everyone is a millennial that uses it! MOST millennials aren’t even working in the printing industry or not at least using this software! You need to keep your current customers happier than new ones because the new ones don’t know what they are missing and your current ones are going to find different software to use!

The Good…

faster once you learn where stuff has been moved too

The Bad…

the developers think we all think like millennials

Submitted on July 8th, 2019 by David Ashkenaz

It’s all in the knowledge of the software and what it can do — it is one of the best on the market — Tech support is lacking and overall support is not that good, but hire an independent Consultant who knows the program AND the printing industry and you will be set and happy for life!

The Good…

Easy of operation —

The Bad…

Tech support

Submitted on June 17th, 2019 by Anonymous

We’ve been using Classic for many years and it worked OK. Recently we migrated or are migrating to Vision and I have to say again, this program was pieced together like the first. You have to toggle back and forth between what’s called legacy and html because they claim to be moving to html. And I dislike it! Cumbersome to see the least, features are missing that classic had and there are very few improvements so far we found that is worth investing in a software program. If I were to do it again I would stay away from this one.

The Good…

Really don’t have a best about Vision. There are a few good short cuts if that counts.

The Bad…

Very slow system. Spinning wheel goes round and round! Copy and paste features no longer work.

Submitted on April 30th, 2019 by Anonymous

its TRASH, by far the worst investment we have made in our 60 years of printing. Overpriced, and under supported. “give me back my old pricing book”

The Good…

We bought out a local shop that was running Printsmith classic, because it was in place, we kept it. 5 years later and now into vision, we see , its money wasted.

The Bad…

I dont like how the tech support “team” dances around straight questions, with a couple of techs acting as though its a “perfect program” but cant fix your issues. lol

Submitted on April 10th, 2019 by Anonymous

Why do you keep messing with the program? Used to be easy and work fine, now…?

The Good…

Not much

The Bad…

Most everything

Submitted on February 14th, 2019 by Robert Stecker

It was supposed to be a better version of Classic, very similar look and same functions. We use it for all of our estimating, work flow management and billing.

The Good…

this is a tough one…the dashboard is kind of cool?

The Bad…

The thing I like least is when I actually have to use the product. Printsmith classic was great, this program, which we were forced to “upgrade” to is slow, it freezes and frankly drives everyone crazy. Support it terrible, you just have to sit and wait for them to call you and if you miss a call you have to call again…and wait for them to call you back. I have no idea why they even created “vision”. All I see is a frozen screen half the time. Spending 10 minutes putting all the details of a job in just to have it freeze, nothing saves automatically so you have to start from scratch every time. I have 3 employees that use this and they say it takes 4 times longer to just copy jobs over than it used to with Classic. Please bring back classic or fix this mess.

Submitted on January 31st, 2019 by Anonymous

The software is cutting-edge, well respected in the industry, and is a one-stop shop.

Submitted on January 5th, 2019 by Anonymous

Purchased the update late 2018. these are the remarks of my staff. Slow, clunky, stupid, if you keep this I will have to quit, lot of problems, are you kidding me. Oh and customer service has an attitude, What a waste of money.

The Good…

I am sorry but I have to say none.

The Bad…


Submitted on August 24th, 2018 by Anonymous

Flash is a horrendous method for Business Management Software

The Good…

It works on a Mac

The Bad…

I am coming for you PrintSmith. I will destroy you and render you wholly obsolete.

Submitted on March 12th, 2018 by Anonymous

Seems to work fine, we’ve been using it for years. It seems to do what we need it to do from quoting and invoicing. The solution won’t be supported after the middle of this year so we are now looking elsewhere.

Response from Developer: Please note that PrintSmith Vision is not “end of life”. PrintSmith Classic is approaching end of life and the end of this year. PrintSmith Vision has 4 releases scheduled to 2018, one of which happened in April. -Thomas Hahn, Sales Development Manager at EFI

Submitted on December 31st, 2017 by Anonymous

The software has many issues, including navigation on laptops - which is almost impossible. When we upgraded the software, support told us the best way to navigate is to buy all of our staff new 19" + monitors. All csr’s use 2 monitors to help navigate the windows inside the software. We are currently looking for options to replace PrintSmith. Would never recommend this software.

The Good…

On-line ordering is functional and inexpensive.

The Bad…

Too many to list but here are some points of frustration: software freezes, windows lock constantly, pricing changes without notice, not laptop user friendly, arrogant support staff who are in denial, broken promises to make fixes to obvious deficiencies, very very very slow - making an estimate or invoice takes a very long time with long waiting periods when trying to input basic job detail data (technical staff at EFI told me ‘our staff were just working too fast’), many more issues when you are working inside the software. Worst software ever. Stay away!

Submitted on November 4th, 2017 by Anonymous

PrintSmith Vision is a relatively comprehensive management information system software designed for the graphic arts/printing industry. It is designed to handle estimating, invoicing, accounts receivable, and production scheduling/production management activities.

The “Vision” version of the software was a re-write of and older product that has been re-named “PrintSmith Classic”.

PrintSmith Vision was designed as a browser based system operating within a Flash enabled functionality. Similar to PrintSmith Classic though, it still requires the use of a Master/Server, and individual workstations throughout a typical printing company environment.

The Good…

As a browser based system, PrintSmith Vision has eliminated the need to install and run PrintSmith Workstation software on each workstation computer that may need to use the system. EFI still does require the purchase of seat licenses however, which limits the number of workstation connections that can be operating at one time.

The Bad…

As a management information system that sometimes has to crunch numbers, do calculations, and create graphical output and reports - the use of Flash means that the system requires very significant computer horsepower to function, and is still clunky, slow, and prone to regular freeze ups and system crashes.

Routine estimating, invoicing, and job management activities are significantly slower in PrintSmith Vision compared to the predecessor software.

In our environment, we chose not be and early adopter of the PrintSmith Vision product. Rather had hoped to find that most of the system bugs had been identified and resolved, before we implemented. Unfortunately though we have still found the system to have a number of unresolved bugs, and basic functionality issues, certain of which apparently EFI does not intend to address until a future major re-write of the system.

The support model is also challenging. Support representatives do not answer telephone calls, but rather all support assistance telephone calls, E Mails, go into a queuing system. As a User, you do not know if or when you will receive a call back meaning that your personal schedule becomes dictated by PrintSmith if you have issues that need resolving.

Also support representatives are prohibited from providing direct E Mail addresses or phone numbers, and support cases are handled on a pooled basis. So, if you have an ongoing issue, it is not managed by one individual, and a lot of time is consumed in re-educating the next support rep that you will be in contact with.

Submitted on September 4th, 2015 by Anonymous

We’ve used PrintSmith for 17 years. It used to be great. It went down hill when EFI bought it. We use it extensively. We’ve purchased all of the upgrades and support over the years. We’ve attended the annual EFI conference (Connect) several times. Year after year, promises were made about release dates for Vision and year after year the promises were broken. When Vision was finally released, it was full of problems. EFI continues to send fixes for the problems but they have a long way to go. The software is clunky, quirky, slow and crashes often. EFI claims that the PC version was more successful than the Mac version, so they are rebuilding the Mac version with a release date of…who knows. We’re a Mac-based business because we’re in the graphic arts industry. It’s time to stop complaining, spend the money and buy a new management information system.

The Good…

The fact that it can be accessed remotely.

The Bad…

The software is clunky, quirky, slow and crashes often.