A field service management system with asset management and barcode scanning functionality for small to midsize businesses.
We looked at field service software and at three suppliers in particular. We chose FieldAware to help us achieve these aims. As well as providing what we needed, cost and time to implement were also both critical in our decision-making.
Just three months after implementation we were seeing major advantages. FieldAware is helping to improve both the day to day performance and the scalability of our business. The teams like it because it is so easy to use and we are seeing almost immediate improvements in terms of reduced fi tting time, improved fitter utilization and managed overtime costs.
In addition to the increased visibility and improved management of workflow, a further great benefit was the management tool which now ensures that decisions are based on tangible measures. This has given us the ability to capture factual evidence on performance, taking the subjective out of the discussion.
Most importantly it has given us eff ective, tangible reporting for our customers on both our and their site teams’ performance. This has given Home Decor a real opportunity to work more closely with our customers to drive a continuous improvement philosophy to our joint objectives.