The Challenges of Legacy ERP vs. Modern ERP Systems

Last Updated: August 22nd, 2024
Researched and Written by: Russ Davidson

Legacy ERP systems have long been a staple in the business world, serving as the backbone for countless organizations’ operations. These ERP systems have existed for many years and are often deeply ingrained within a company’s infrastructure and processes. Despite this, legacy ERP systems offer several challenges for businesses, including costly support, new tech compatibility, and limited and outdated functionality.

Understanding Legacy ERP Systems

Legacy ERP systems refer to older enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that organizations implemented in the past. These systems were typically designed to streamline various business functions such as finance, human resources, supply chain management, and customer relationship management.

While legacy ERP systems were once cutting-edge solutions, they now face obsolescence due to technological advancements and changing business needs. Many of these systems were built on outdated architectures and may lack the flexibility and scalability required to meet modern demands. However, despite their limitations, legacy ERP systems continue to play a vital role in numerous industries. Some examples include:

  • SAP R/3: Launched in 1992 by SAP SE, it was a highly successful ERP that eventually turned into the current SAP S/4HANA.
  • Baan: Now owned by Infor Global Solutions, Baan was a powerhouse in the early nineties. After the buyout, Baan was renamed to Infor LN and is still used today, though it is still considered a legacy system.
  • Great Plains Software: Founded in 1981, this system was purchased by Microsoft in 2000 and is now part of Dynamics 365 products.
Great Plains Accounting Software
Great Plains software circa 2001, now known as Dynamics GP.

The Challenges of Legacy ERP Systems

One of the primary challenges associated with legacy ERP systems is their compatibility with newer technologies. Integrating these advancements with existing legacy systems can be complex and time-consuming as businesses adopt cloud computing, mobile applications, and other digital innovations. Legacy ERP systems may not have the necessary APIs or interfaces to connect with modern tools and platforms seamlessly.

Moreover, maintaining and supporting legacy ERP systems can be costly. As technology evolves, finding skilled professionals with expertise in outdated programming languages or system architectures becomes increasingly difficult. This talent scarcity can result in higher costs for organizations striving to keep their legacy systems operational.

Another challenge lies in the limited functionality offered by legacy ERP systems compared to their modern counterparts. These older solutions may lack advanced features or modules that are essential for optimizing business processes or gaining competitive advantages. As a result, organizations may be disadvantaged in terms of efficiency, productivity, and innovation.

The Benefits of Legacy ERP Systems

Despite their challenges, legacy ERP systems offer several benefits that should not be overlooked. Firstly, these systems have proven their reliability over time. They have been tested and refined through years of use, making them stable and robust. This reliability is particularly important for industries with stringent regulatory compliance requirements or those that handle sensitive data.

Additionally, legacy ERP systems often come with a wealth of historical data that can provide valuable insights for decision-making. By leveraging this data, organizations can better understand their operations and make more informed business decisions. This historical context can be especially useful in industries where trends and patterns are significant in forecasting and strategic planning.

Furthermore, transitioning from a legacy ERP system to a new solution can be complex and disruptive. It requires careful planning, extensive training, and potential downtime during migration. For some organizations, the cost and risks associated with replacing their existing system may outweigh the benefits of newer alternatives. Sticking with a legacy ERP system might be the most practical choice in such cases.

Why You Should Replace Your Legacy ERP

Legacy ERP systems present several challenges that can hinder business operations and impede growth. These challenges stem from the outdated technology and lack of support that these systems often suffer from. As technology rapidly evolves, legacy ERP systems struggle to keep up, leading to compatibility issues and limited functionality.

1 Reliance on Outdated Technology

These systems were designed years ago, using programming languages and architectures that are now considered obsolete. This makes it difficult for businesses to find skilled professionals who can effectively maintain and support these systems. As a result, organizations using legacy ERP systems may face difficulties in finding qualified IT personnel who understand the intricacies of these outdated technologies.

2 Limited Customization and Integration Capabilities

Unlike modern ERP solutions that offer flexible customization options, legacy systems often have rigid structures that cannot be easily modified to meet specific business requirements. This lack of flexibility can hinder productivity and prevent organizations from adapting their processes to changing market demands.

3 Complex Integrations With Other Software

These systems were not built with interoperability in mind, making it challenging to connect them with newer applications or third-party software seamlessly. This lack of integration capability can lead to data silos within the organization, inhibiting efficient communication between different departments or functions.

4 High Maintenance and Upgrade Costs

As these systems age, they require regular maintenance and support to ensure their continued operation. However, finding vendors or consultants who specialize in supporting outdated technologies can be costly due to their scarcity in the market. Furthermore, upgrading a legacy system to a more modern version or migrating to a new ERP platform altogether involves significant financial investments and poses risks such as data loss or disruption of critical business processes.

5 Limited Scalability and Flexibility

As businesses grow or change, they need an agile system to adapt accordingly. Legacy ERP systems often lack the scalability to accommodate increased data volumes or support additional users. This can result in performance issues, system crashes, and delays in accessing critical information. Additionally, legacy systems may not be flexible enough to incorporate new modules or functionalities essential for business growth.

Looking to replace your legacy ERP system? Get recommendations from our team today!

Legacy ERP Systems vs Modern ERP Systems

Legacy ERP Systems Modern ERP Systems
Complexity Often complex and difficult to maintain Typically more user-friendly and intuitive
Flexibility Less flexible; harder to adapt to changing business needs Highly adaptable to changing business needs
Integration May not integrate well with other software or platforms Designed for easy integration with other platforms and software
Technology Outdated technology Uses the latest technology and features
Reliability Proven track record of reliability and stability Generally reliable, but may require testing for specific business contexts
Functionality Robust functionality refined over years Advanced functionalities, often with cloud capabilities and AI integrations
Cost Lower cost if already in place but can be expensive to maintain and update Higher upfront cost, but may offer long-term savings in maintenance and scalability
Training Specialized knowledge may be required Often designed for easier onboarding and training
Scalability May lack scalability for growing businesses Built for scalability to support business growth
Support and Updates Limited or no updates; decreasing support Regular updates, patches, and active community support

Postmodern ERP

Another aspect of the modern ERP market is the emergence of the postmodern ERP. Originally coined by Gartner back in 2013, this term was used to describe the then-emerging trend of companies moving away from traditional and monolithic ERP systems in favor of cloud-based and modular networks. Some key characteristics include:

  • Modular structure
  • Flexibility
  • Seamless integration capabilities

These systems, such as Odoo, have become popular due to their customization options and modular architecture and pricing, allowing businesses to choose their desired features. However, these pose their challenges, such as the complexity of integrating several modules at once and the security risks of cloud-based systems.

Considerations for Organizations

When deciding on legacy ERP systems, organizations should:

  1. Assess the Current System: Examine its functionality, performance, and compatibility with modern tech to decide on modernization or replacement.
  2. Explore Options: Modernizing can enhance the current system’s capabilities while replacing offers a fresh start, potentially with higher initial costs but long-term efficiency gains.
  3. Weigh Risks and Benefits: Modernization might present compatibility or data migration issues, while replacement could disrupt operations. Consider the long-term benefits like improved processes and scalability.
  4. Develop a Transition Roadmap: Outline milestones, timelines, and resources for a smooth shift, whether modernizing or replacing.
  5. Consider Other Factors: Budget might limit options, vendor support ensures reliability, and employee training ensures effective system adoption.

A thorough evaluation and clear planning are vital when navigating decisions around legacy ERP systems.


While complex and potentially outdated, legacy ERP systems offer proven reliability and robust functionality. Their challenges include maintenance difficulties, lack of flexibility, and integration issues. However, their long-standing track record and refined features can be valuable for some organizations.

When contemplating switching to a modern ERP, businesses should evaluate their specific needs, consider migration costs, and align the decision with their long-term objectives. Ultimately, the choice between retaining a legacy system or adopting a modern ERP should be based on a business’s unique circumstances and goals.

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