Editor’s Rating:
Best Overall
Bloomerang: Online Giving Main Donation Page
  • No cap on users
  • Unlimited online giving pages/forms
  • Strong training and support
Editor’s Rating:
Best for Nonprofits
Donorbox: Supporters Page
  • Free for organizations raising under $1,000/month
  • Multiple donation payment methods available
  • Salesforce integration
Editor’s Rating:
Best for Clubs
Wild Apricot: Wild Apricot Email Template
Wild Apricot
  • Offers flyer and newsletter templates
  • Website building capabilities
  • Mobile apps for iOS and Android

Membership management software helps organizations automate registration, dues collection, communication, and event organization. Here’s a rundown of our top products based on our internal review process and user reviews from nonprofits and associations.

1 Bloomerang - Best Overall

Why we chose it: Bloomerang is our top pick overall because it’s highly effective in centralizing donor and constituent management. The platform allows organizations to create comprehensive profiles, capturing each constituent’s contact info, donation history, and engagement activities. We also found Bloomerang adept at engagement tracking and customizable reporting, providing insights into campaign effectiveness.

One of Bloomerang’s key strengths is its unlimited user access and online giving pages, which broadens the scope for fundraising campaigns and constituent participation. With strong donor segmentation tools, the app allows nonprofits to create targeted and personalized communication strategies. Finally, the software integrates with social media platforms and marketing tools like MailChimp, facilitating direct communication with constituents.

Best Overall:

Bloomerang: Online Giving Main Donation Page
Bloomerang: Constituent Summary
Bloomerang: Dashboard
Bloomerang: Online Giving Donation Plugin
Bloomerang: New Recurring Donation Payment
Bloomerang: New Pledge Schedule
Bloomerang: New Pledge
Bloomerang: Reports
Bloomerang: Reports Template
Bloomerang: New Recurring Donation Schedule
What We Like
No cap on users
Unlimited online giving pages/forms
Strong training and support
What We Don’t Like
No email marketing in free version
No mobile app
Price Range: $
Starting Price: $125/month
Client OS: Web
Deployment: Cloud Hosted

2 Donorbox - Best for Nonprofits

Why we chose it: We found Donorbox best for nonprofits because it makes the donation process as simple and efficient as possible. It allows for easy setup of weekly, monthly, and annual recurring donations without requiring donors to navigate a separate registration page or re-enter their information. The platform also supports several payment methods, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, ACH, and SEPA bank transfers.

Donorbox’s key features include contactless payments, pop-up donation forms, and goal meters, all secured with SSL/TLS encryption to protect donor data. The platform also provides tax receipts and allows for Google eCommerce and Adwords tracking, adding an analytical dimension to the donation process. The platform offers easy donation page setup, multi-currency support, and communication in multiple languages, broadening organizations’ potential donor base. Finally, Donorbox’s Goal Meter and Donor Wall features help visualize campaign success and engage the donor community by displaying messages and comments​.

Best for Nonprofits:

Donorbox: Supporters Page
Donorbox: Mail Center
Donorbox: New Group Creation Page
Donorbox: Donor Information Page
Donorbox: Single Donation Group Members Page
Donorbox: Donation Groups Page
Donorbox: New Campaign
Donorbox: New Campaign Amount Setup
Donorbox: Example Website Donation Ask
What We Like
Free for Organizations Raising Under $1,000/month
Multiple Donation Payment Methods Available
Salesforce Integration
What We Don’t Like
Extra Fees For PayPal and Stripe Payment Processing
Customization Limitations
Price Range: $$
Starting Price: $139/month
Client OS: Web
Deployment: Cloud Hosted

3 Wild Apricot - Best for Clubs

Why we chose it: We added Wild Apricot as a versatile and user-friendly pick for medium-sized clubs. Its integrated approach, combined with the ease of use and broad functionality, helps clubs attract and retain members. To that end, Wild Apricot includes member database management, a website builder with ready-to-use themes, online payment processing, email and contact databases, and mobile solutions​​.

Wild Apricot’s website builder allows organizers to build custom, responsive websites that reflect their club’s identity. They can create members-only pages to offer exclusive content, set up a club blog to share updates and facilitate discussions in member forums. Wild Apricot also makes it easy to keep members informed and engaged with integrated email tools, allowing you to send newsletters, event announcements, and important updates directly from the platform.

Best for Clubs:
Wild Apricot

Wild Apricot: Wild Apricot Email Template
Wild Apricot: Wild Apricot Contact Management
Wild Apricot: Wild Apricot CMS
What We Like
Offers a wide variety of templates for flyers and newsletters
Can modify group assignments to allow specific-event registration
What We Don’t Like
Cannot automatically send a post-event survey to attendees of a specific event
Account credits must be manually applied to dues
Price Range: $$
Starting Price: $60/month
Client OS: Web
Deployment: Cloud Hosted

4 NationBuilder - Best for Volunteer Management

Why we chose it: NationBuilder made our list because of its strong volunteer coordination functionalities. It integrates website building, membership management, communication with supporters, and effective fundraising within a centralized hub, making it ideal for political campaigns, non-profit organizations, and advocacy groups.

The software offers a supporter database with advanced filtering, segmentation, and mapping tools, making managing and engaging volunteers easier. Its outreach capabilities include mass emailing and texting tools with scheduling options and unlimited sends to opted-in lists​​. Additionally, NationBuilder provides a customizable website platform that allows for action-focused page templates, volunteer pages with customizable roles, and peer-to-peer recruiting and tracking tools, which are key for mobilizing and managing volunteers effectively​​.

We also wanted to mention NationBuilder’s utility for volunteer-driven campaigns, offering readymade pages for various donation types and recruiter and fundraiser tracking. This makes it easier for organizations to raise funds while managing their volunteer base​​.

Best for Volunteer Management:

NationBuilder: Dashboard
NationBuilder: People
NationBuilder: Finances
NationBuilder: Communication
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Cloud Hosted

5 Growthzone AMS - Best for Trade Associations

Why we chose it: We picked Growthzone AMS for trade associations representing entire industries. Overall, the software is good at helping engage a wider range of businesses, from small firms to large corporations. Marketing tools enable trade associations to tailor communication to diverse members and promote industry standards, events, and advocacy efforts. In fact, Growthzone includes a built-in marketing automation module specifically designed for growth-focused management. This module ensures each member receives relevant information at the right time, improving engagement and retention rates.

Additionally, Growthzone’s mobile staff app affords on-the-go access to essential functions like event coordination and payment processing. The system has contact management capabilities that enable efficient handling of member data, including billing and communication. Staff members can view, edit, and add contacts directly from the app to the database.

Best for Trade Associations:
GrowthZone AMS

GrowthZone AMS: GrowthZone Billing
GrowthZone AMS: GrowthZone Contacts Management
GrowthZone AMS: GrowthZone Events Management
GrowthZone AMS: GrowthZone Association Edition Dashboard
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Cloud Hosted

6 MemberClicks - Best for Professional Associations

Why we chose it: We found MemberClicks best for professional associations because it offers specialized tools designed to meet their unique requirements. Professional associations often focus on individual memberships from specific professions, including varying membership levels, certifications, and continuing education. MemberClicks addresses these challenges with dedicated features, like complex membership fee structures, certification renewals, and event registration tools.

Additionally, MemberClicks is recognized for its user-friendly website-building tools and responsive tech support, useful for associations looking to enhance their online presence and member engagement. Its integration with QuickBooks further streamlines accounting processes, making it easier to manage financials.

Best for Professional Associations:

MemberClicks: Form Builder Page
MemberClicks: Member Type Management
MemberClicks: Email Notification Management
What We Like
Intuitive website building tools
Responsive tech support
Integrates with QuickBooks
What We Don’t Like
Some issues with password reset functionality
Limited custom form creation
Price Range: $$
Starting Price: $4,500/year
Client OS: Web
Deployment: Cloud Hosted

What Is Membership Management Software?

Membership management software (MMS) helps organizations (associations, clubs, communities, nonprofits, and other membership-based businesses) attract and retain members, automate and simplify billing, and create member events and resources. Also known as association management software, these cloud-based systems also contain customer relationship management (CRM) software, which centralizes and streamlines communication.

Membership software has customizable, flexible systems for group/family memberships, different levels of memberships, document sharing, and more. And members can use their portals to upgrade/downgrade their memberships, refer new members, sign up for events, and communicate with their organization and its members. Organizations can set up online billing systems for easy payment and dues collection.

MemberClicks Membership Management Software
Assign member types and user permissions within MemberClicks.

Features of Membership Management Software

  • Member Directory: Store, view, and edit detailed lists of current, past, and prospective members. Add and remove members, update their membership status, change contact information, change their category, or add them to a new chapter. Customizable tools let associations organize and label their members in different ways.
  • Event Management: Manage every part of the event through MMS. Advertise the event, sell tickets, sell sponsorships, facilitate communication between organizers and attendees, post schedules, reserve rooms, and more.
  • Online Billing: Facilitate secure, online payments through many payment methods, like credit cards, bank transfers, and PayPa. Members can set up different payment plans, automatic renewals, receive discounts, and more.
  • Referral Tracking: Members can send referral links with information and application forms to prospective members. Track rewards for successful referrals, and give promotions to people being referred.
  • Member Portal: Each member will have their own page through the service. They can modify their membership, communicate with other members and the organization/different chapters, cancel their membership, renew their membership, sign up for events, see and post jobs, and more. The portal will hold past actions and payment information for easy auditing.
  • Email Marketing and Lead Generation: Collect leads through referrals, online applications, email inquiries, and more. And then the MMS will compile those
  • Reports and Analytics: Generate reports on finances, enrollment, engagement, and event attendance. Project into the future to help make decisions for spending and revenue goals. Show the value of your organization through returns on investment from members.
  • Payment Processing: Let members, sponsors, vendors, and more pay online. Securely accept different types of payments, send invoices, alert people to upcoming/overdue payments, set up payment plans, and more.
  • Job Boards: Administrators can aggregate and advertise job openings specific to their field or association/trade. And job seekers can view and apply for high-quality positions within their industries.
  • Online Membership Application: Allow prospective members to apply online instead of communicating with a staff member. This lets people apply when it is most convenient, and it collects information and leads for member organizations with little manpower.
  • Event Apps: Members can download apps for organizations and specific events, which helps with event registration and better member engagement at events. Attendees can build their schedules, share contact information, and more.
Wild Apricot Contact Management
Manage your membership directory via the contact management tool in Wild Apricot.

Benefits of Membership Management Software

Membership management software automates administrative work, freeing up time and resources for members. And MMS helps organizations create detailed reports and analyses, leading to better decision-making. It also helps users by giving them more visibility and autonomy over their membership, payments, membership history, and more. And by using a centralized communication tool, members can more effectively communicate and share information with their association and fellow members.

Recruit and Retain Members

Membership management software can embed applications and inquiries into associations’ websites, and this information will be stored and organized in a recruitment tool. Any promotions, marketing tools, and communications can be sent to individuals and groups from a centralized tool.

Once users have signed up, they can manage their memberships on their own. Association administrators will have easy tools to communicate with members, attend organization events, receive licenses and accreditations, and provide other services to members. Members can set up auto-payments and upgrade/downgrade their memberships.

Join It Member List Membership Management Software
View a list of active and pending members in Join It.

Manage Events and Personal Development Programs

Conferences and networking events are important for organizations, and member management software can help gauge interest and sell tickets. MMS also supports event attendees through a mobile app, which will save their tickets and credentials, give them information about their individual schedules, and will provide general information about the event.

Personal and professional development tools can be shared with members through their individual portals. And members can more easily meet, communicate, and collaborate.

MembershipWorks Event Signup
Handle event sign-ups in MembershipWorks.

High Visibility of Enrollment and Budgets

Member data is stored in a central location, and any updates are automatically registered across the entire platform. Administrators can see enrollment and financial trends across various timelines, and they can project future enrollment and budgets into the future. This information helps organizations plan fundraising strategies, producing development materials, planning events, and more.

DonorBox Website Donation Ask
Create customizable donation forms in Donorbox.

Pricing of Membership Management Software

Membership management software starts at $19/month to $275/month. The exact pricing for membership management software scales upward and downward depending on enrollment, features, users, and more. Some offer set monthly pricing, while others give customized quotes for enterprise-level organizations.

Other fees and charges are added by some membership management solutions. Some will charge service fees for transactions made through their software. And some will charge for training, implementation, and integration. Others will charge to add more storage, member profiles, and other add-ons.

Membership management software can offer discounts, as well. Some MMS will give discounts for nonprofit organizations. And some will give volume discounts for organizations with multiple chapters, branches, or groups. Most MMS will offer free trials, as well. And there are some free membership management software.

Types of Organizations Using Membership Management Software

Clubs, gyms, professional organizations, social groups, chambers of commerce, and trade associations require systems to recruit, retain, manage, serve, and communicate with prospects, members, sponsors, and alumni. Most membership management software will address all of these needs for most organizations, but there are specialized software for particular groups. And some software will serve some groups better than others.

Trade Associations and Professional Associations

Trade and professional associations exist to advance the cause of their trades and the workers therein. Collecting dues from professionals helps industries advocate and lobby, host conferences and other events, and create professional development material. And members will have transparent access to where funds are being spent and ways to communicate with their professional associations.

It also makes it simpler for members to apply for, earn, pay for, and receive certifications and licenses through their trade groups. Members can communicate with their trade group representatives, but they can also communicate and network with other members from all over the world. This can lead to better problem-solving and collaboration.

Sororities, Fraternities, and Alumni Associations

There is some member management software specifically for Greek life at universities. They help with pledging, collecting dues, managing members, managing multiple chapters, tracking volunteer and charity events, fundraising, and alumni engagement.

These tools can be used by individual chapters and the lead administrators of the organizations. Alumni can continue to engage with their organization throughout their lives and create and sign up for various events. Specific job boards can be created and shared with members. Fundraising and philanthropy campaigns can be created and run through the membership management system.

Health and Fitness

With member management systems, gyms, studios, and fitness centers can offer different membership tiers, with associated features and costs. Members can renew, update their memberships, refer others, and pay online. And organizations can track things like student or senior discounts, family pricing, and promotions.

These software systems can also track attendance, which helps project needs going forward. And they help recruit members with targeting emails, text messages, and phone calls.

Chambers of Commerce

With member management tools, chambers of commerce can more easily manage and benefit their members. Members can personally access available resources without contacting the chamber. They can also request resources through a centralized communication tool.

Automate Tasks With Membership Management Software

Automating tasks helps both organizations and their members. It helps cut costs for organizations, which can lead to cheaper dues payments or can be used on more services. Automating renewals, membership levels, payments, membership durations, and adds transparency, consistency, and member satisfaction.


Members can log in to their accounts and renew their memberships independently. They can set up one-time payments to do so, or they can set up automatic payments to make recurring renewals as simple as possible. Users can set up different types of renewals from a single dashboard for multiple chapters. And you can send notifications to members to remind them to renew or to alert them to an upcoming payment.

Flexible Membership Plans

Members can choose to adjust their membership levels, and that information will be automatically logged in to the member directory. The costs, features, and benefits of specific membership types/levels will then automatically be reflected in users’ accounts.

Discounts, Promotions, and Holds

Organizations can offer discounts, promotions, holds/freezes, and other adjustments to memberships. Administrators can give out trial memberships, giving modified access to prospective users for predetermined periods of time. Or, instead of completely canceling a membership, let members freeze or hold their accounts. Allow their information to be stored on your system and their accounts active, but freeze certain features, benefits, and charges. And built-in custom or pre-built promotions for certain users and organizations.


Membership management software has PCI-compliant online payment services to help process dues and non-dues payments. Payment services like PayPal, Authorize.net, and Stripe integrate with the membership management systems, which automates credit card and other types of payments. Some member management software can handle multiple currencies, as well, to aid international organizations.

Bloomerang Admin Dashboard
The admin dashboard in Bloomerang.

All Products

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Bloomerang Screenshot


Bloomerang is a donor management and fundraising software designed with a focus on helping nonprofit organizations enhance donor engagement and retention. With customizable reporting features and strong customer service, Bloomerang is a good fit for nonprofits looking to streamline their donor management processes.
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Cloud Hosted
Wild Apricot Screenshot

Wild Apricot

Wild Apricot is web-based membership management software for small associations and nonprofit organizations to help manage membership, website, events and other activities. It offers a suite of tools for managing member databases, events, and financial transactions. The platform includes an automated member registration process, website building capabilities, and a range of management functionalities for admins and managers. A mobile app is available for iOS and Android devices, allowing remote accessibility when attending events or visiting multiple chapters or branches.
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Cloud Hosted
Donorbox Screenshot


DonorBox is a user-friendly donation platform that simplifies the process of setting up fundraisers and managing donor information. Its integration with major payment processors like Stripe and PayPal, along with features like recurring donations and customizable donation forms, makes it a versatile tool.
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Cloud Hosted
MemberClicks Screenshot


MemberClicks is a membership management and event registration software for small to medium-sized organizations. It offers customizable membership forms, automated reminders, and member engagement tracking. The software integrates with platforms like QuickBooks for streamlined accounting.
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Cloud Hosted
NationBuilder Screenshot


NationBuilder software lets you find, mobilize, and equip your best advocates to spread your nonprofit message around the world. Create a database of volunteer information for easier donation processing and communication. Launch pages in minutes with readymade templates: Inspire your supporters, capture information, and seamlessly track actions across your site while prompting social sharing; Target your supporters based on real-time data: Create lists, filters, and tags in a database that
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Cloud Hosted
GrowthZone AMS Screenshot

GrowthZone AMS

GrowthZone AMS is a web-based association management system that will help you manage your organization’s day-to-day operations, grow your membership base, and keep existing members engaged. Video Overview ; Features Core Modules: ;; Productivity Modules ;; and Premium Modules ;. ; and Price . Video Overview ; Features Core Modules: ;; Productivity Modules ;; and Premium Modules ;. ; and Price . Core Modules: ;; Productivity Modules ;; and Premium Modules ;. Events Management; Contacts
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Cloud Hosted
Advantage Screenshot


Advantage is a full-featured subscription and order management platform for marketing and selling digital and print content, services, products and combinations of the above, and includes eCommerce, customer and self-service, payments and reporting. Advantage has an open API for integrating with other applications. @youtube Subscription and order management; Synchronization between digital and print content; Promotions and offers; Discounting; Packages/bundling; Payment processing; Digital
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Windows, Web
Cloud or On-Premises
NeonCRM Screenshot


NeonCRM is a customer relationship management software designed for nonprofit and membership-based organizations. It streamlines fundraising, event registration, and contact management. The software also supports donor management, marketing, payment processing, and volunteer management.
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Cloud Hosted
YourMembership Screenshot


YourMembership offers a full suite of membership management solutions for small to medium-sized organizations. It provides a range of easy-to-use features for both members and back offices, such as membership management, customer relationship management, membership marketing, event management, an online community, and analytics. The many customization options allow for tailored solutions to meet specific organizational needs. And its integration capabilities with various third-party apps streamline various administrative processes.
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web
Cloud Hosted
Join It Screenshot

Join It

Join It is a membership management service that enables organizations to effectively keep track, manage, and grow their community. At it’s core, the software provides a simple database and dashboard interface for organization leaders to monitor developments in their membership. They then integrate this database context with best in class service providers to automate other essential components of an organization, like payment processing, email communication, and event organization. Simple
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
iOS, Android, Web
SilkStart Screenshot


SilkStart is an all-in-one non-profit and association management software. It collects, stores, and updates data on current, former, and future members, which helps with applications, renewals, updates, cancellations, payments, and more. It also helps by managing events; hosting job boards; letting members, donors and sponsors pay online; managing marketing campaigns; and more. Members will get their own portals to manage their accounts and make payments. And they can use tools to communicate
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web
Cloud Hosted
Brilliant Directories Screenshot

Brilliant Directories

Brilliant Directories is a membership management software and website hosting service. It helps organizations manage member information and payments, design and run their websites, and run marketing campaigns. Brilliant Directories has templates to help build websites, and it provides suggestions to improve search engine optimization (SEO). Members can manage parts of their membership like applications, renewals, payments, and professional development. And organizations can manage their members,
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web
Cloud Hosted
MembershipWorks Screenshot


MembershipWorks is a membership management software and website hosting solution. Key features include a member directory, event calendar and registration, billing and online payments, donation management, and integration with various website platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix.
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web
Cloud Hosted
Sumac Software Screenshot

Sumac Software

Sumac is a CRM software designed specifically for nonprofits, supporting fundraising, case management, memberships, and specialized programs. It offers extensive add-on and customization options, allowing organizations to tailor the software to their unique needs. With features like integrated online donation forms and QuickBooks integration, Sumac aims to streamline nonprofit operations.
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
iOS, Web
Cloud Hosted
MemberNova Screenshot


MemberNova is a one-stop-shop for cloud-based membership management software. It is built to manage memberships, help back office staff, and maintain websites. MemberNova’s tools work to attract and retain members, raise engagement between members, and improve services and an organization’s overall effectiveness. MemberNova helps manage events, publish content, create more effective marketing campaigns, give members their own portals, keep advanced member data, and build intuitive websites.
Client OS
Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web
Cloud Hosted
PerfectMind Screenshot


PerfectMind is a cloud-based member management system focused on fitness, yoga, and martial arts studios. Perfect mind helps manage members by class, experience, instructor, and more. Members can have their own portals to sign up for classes, renew/update their membership, and communicate with their organization. And PerfectMind helps back offices by storing all current, former, and prospective members’ information in one place. This helps with marketing, retention, and applications, as
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web
Cloud Hosted
Member365 Screenshot


Member365 is a full-suite association management and member management software. It can handle storing and updating member information, and it can help members apply, renew, update, and cancel their memberships. But it can also help with things like surveys and votes, marketing, budgeting, event management, fundraising and donations, and more. Member365 helps automate several tasks, like building an email list or sending notifications to overdue members. Members will have tools in their own
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web
Cloud Hosted
ChamberDesk Screenshot


ChamberDesk is a membership management software designed for small to mid-sized organizations and associations. While ChamberDesk is great for chambers of commerce, it can be used for professional/trade organizations, HOA’s, clubs, and more. ChamberDesk helps automate tasks, aiding efficiency for smaller (and larger) offices. It can collect applications and store contact information for follow-ups. It can set up automated payments or renewals. It can track referalls and send out email marketing
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web
Cloud Hosted
CiviMobile Screenshot


CiviMobile is a Native Mobile Application for CiviCRM; CRM that empowers over 11000 nonprofit organizations. The app allows CiviCRM users to have constant access to the CRM data from their mobile devices and enter/view/edit it in a convenient and mobile-friendly way. CiviMobile is compatible with Android and iOS platforms. Mobile app for CiviCRM gives opportunity to have organizational contacts available on the go; instant access to data to resolve matters in a timely manner rather than stress
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Client OS
iOS, Android
Cloud Hosted
iMIS Screenshot


iMIS EMS is the world’s #1 association and non-profit software solution, and the only Engagement Management System (EMS)™—fusing database management and web publishing into a single system—leading to operational efficiencies, revenue growth, and continuous performance improvement. Harnessing the power of Microsoft Azure’s cloud platform, iMIS EMS is purpose-built to meet the most important challenge facing associations and non-profits—Engagement. iMIS EMS unifies your member and donor data,
Price Range
   $     $     $     $     $   
   $     $     $     $     $   
Starting Price
Client OS
Cloud or On-Premises

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