Top 8 Unit4 ERP Alternatives and Competitors

Last Updated: September 29th, 2023
Researched and Written by: Sydney Hoffman

The top Unit4 ERP alternatives include SAP S/4HANA, Oracle ERP Cloud, and Infor CloudSuite Industrial. In our analysis of the best ERP software, we have ranked these alternatives based on performance and user-friendliness.

Best Unit4 ERP Alternatives Shortlist

Below are detailed summaries of the best Unit4 ERP alternatives that we’ll be covering in this article:

  1. SAP S/4HANA - For Complex Manufacturing
  2. Oracle ERP Cloud - Advanced AI Capabilities
  3. Infor CloudSuite Industrial - Best for Discrete Manufacturing
  4. Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Best Product Ecosystem
  5. IFS Applications - Best Industry-Specific Solution
  6. Workday ERP - User-Centric Design
  7. Epicor - Modular Flexibility
  8. NetSuite - Top Pick for Growing Companies

Understanding Unit4 ERP and Its Limitations

Unit4 ERP, previously known as Agresso Business World, is an ERP software tailored specifically for service-centric organizations. It’s highly customizable, allowing businesses to mold it precisely to their operational requirements. It caters to sectors like professional services, education, and public services. A key strength is its intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring ease of navigation even for first-time users.

However, companies might face difficulties during upgrades, particularly if they’ve made extensive customizations to the platform. Some users have reported that the system can become slow, especially during updates, which might affect workflow. Moreover, while the interface is user-friendly, the platform lacks built-in tutorials, meaning new users might struggle to get up to speed with all of its features.

1 SAP S/4HANA: For Complex Manufacturing

Why we chose it: SAP S/4HANA performs well in complex manufacturing settings, leveraging its swift data processing strengths. Built on the robust SAP HANA in-memory database, it ensures quick data access, empowering executives to navigate vast datasets efficiently. With SAP S/4HANA, enterprises can preemptively identify supply chain disturbances.

Moreover, its integration with the Internet of Things, enriched by artificial intelligence and machine learning, supports proactive maintenance. This becomes pivotal for manufacturers, assisting them in sidestepping unforeseen hurdles and reducing expenses.

Read our full SAP S/4HANA review.

For Complex Manufacturing:

SAP S/4HANA: Contracts Page
SAP S/4HANA: Contract Renewal Page
SAP S/4HANA: Procurement Overview Page
SAP S/4HANA: Production Orders Management Page
SAP S/4HANA: Sales Order Fulfillment Issues Page
SAP S/4HANA: Procurement Overview
SAP S/4HANA: Supplier Evaluation
What We Like
HANA database
Large network of resellers
Strong BI tools
What We Don’t Like
Difficult setup
Lack of pricing transparency
Relatively new and unproven
Price Range: $$$$$
Client OS: Windows, Web
Deployment: Cloud or On-Premises

2 Oracle ERP Cloud: Advanced AI Capabilities

Why we chose it: Oracle ERP Cloud employs AI to sift through extensive data and deliver practical insights. This aids in predicting market shifts, anticipating demands, or pinpointing inefficiencies. Additionally, it features AI-enhanced chatbots and assistants, simplifying operations like data extraction.

Advanced AI Capabilities:
Oracle ERP Cloud

Oracle ERP Cloud: Financials Cloud
Oracle ERP Cloud: Procurement Cloud
Oracle ERP Cloud: SCM Cloud
What We Like
Automated and controlled financial planning and reporting
Flexible scalability
No expensive hardware required for deployment
What We Don’t Like
Additional costs for integrated products
Basic reporting tools
High implementation costs
Price Range: $$$$$
Starting Price: $175/user/month
Client OS: Web
Deployment: Cloud Hosted

3 Infor CloudSuite Industrial: Best for Discrete Manufacturing

Why we chose it: Infor CloudSuite Industrial has detailed product configuration features, enabling discrete manufacturers to adjust to diverse specifications. Its integrated CAD functionalities smooth out the design and revision processes. This is pivotal in discrete manufacturing, where blueprints and designs often shift according to client requirements. By balancing innovation with practicality, Infor assists discrete manufacturers in preserving a blend of efficiency and adaptability in their workflows.

Read our full Infor CloudSuite Industrial review.

Infor CloudSuite Industrial: Product Configuration
Infor CloudSuite Industrial: Inventory
Infor CloudSuite Industrial: PL Projection
Infor CloudSuite Industrial: Estimate
Infor CloudSuite Industrial: Customer Service Homepage
What We Like
Multi-site and multi-company support
Built-in business intelligence
Comprehensive supply chain management
What We Don’t Like
Limited QMS module
Difficult upgrades
Steep learning curve for new users
Price Range: $$$$$
Starting Price: $25,000/user (perpetual license)
Client OS: Windows, Web
Deployment: Cloud or On-Premises

4 Microsoft Dynamics 365: Best Product Ecosystem

Why we chose it: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers integration capabilities, particularly with top-tier Microsoft products like Office 365, Power BI, and Dynamics CRM. Furthermore, its open API design guarantees seamless connections with external tools, enhancing its adaptability to various business landscapes. This leads to minimized data silos, fewer manual data inputs, and a cohesive business framework.

Read our full Dynamics 365 Business Central review.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: Dashboard
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: Items Viewing List
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: Orders Viewing
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: General Leger Entries
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: Dashboard
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: Customer Management
What We Like
Combined ERP and CRM
Similar interface to MS Word and Outlook
Integrations with Microsoft applications
What We Don’t Like
Not ideal for complex manufacturing needs
May require extensive training
No free version
Price Range: $$$
Starting Price: $70/user/month
Client OS: Web
Deployment: Cloud or On-Premises

5 IFS Applications: Best Industry-Specific Features

Why we chose it: IFS Applications focuses on the distinct needs of particular industries. Its modular environment offers flexibility, enabling enterprises to pick features aligned with their requirements and scale progressively. IFS provides a choice from over 100 business modules, encompassing more than 6,000 individual software elements. The platform is customizable for sectors such as aerospace and defense, energy utilities and resources, construction and engineering, manufacturing, and service domains.

IFS Applications: Inventory Central
IFS Applications: Dashboard
IFS Applications: Resource Details
IFS Applications: Add Handling Unit
IFS Applications: Shipment Orders
IFS Applications: Shipment Handling Unit Structure
IFS Applications: Inventory Part Availability Planning
IFS Applications: Shipment Order
IFS Applications: PTO Request
What We Like
Responsive customer support
User-friendly interface
Customizable based on features/modules
What We Don’t Like
Requires consult call for pricing
Can be a steep learning curve due to wealth of features
Price Range: $$$$$
Starting Price: $250,000 (perpetual license)
Client OS: Windows, Web
Deployment: Cloud or On-Premises

5 Workday ERP: User-Centric Design

Why we chose it: Workday ERP provides user-centric design because it’s easily navigable, with a clear and organized layout. This helps reduce the learning curve, allowing users to quickly become proficient with the platform. The dashboard and various modules are organized in a way that prioritizes the user experience, ensuring that daily tasks and processes can be completed efficiently.

Workday ERP offers a mobile application that retains full functionality across different devices. This approach means users aren’t tethered to their desks and can access crucial data and functionalities on-the-go. The mobile app’s design is optimized for touch screens, ensuring tasks can be completed with ease and that the experience is consistent with the desktop version.

Workday ERP: Financial Analysis Dashboard
Workday ERP: Operational Analysis Page
Workday ERP: Home Screen
Workday ERP: Briefing Book
Workday ERP: Financial Summary
What We Like
Brainstorms from community suggestions
Configuration flexibility
Powerful frameworks
What We Don’t Like
No live chat or knowledge base
No free version or trial available
Price Range: $$$$$
Starting Price: $45/employee/month
Client OS: Web
Deployment: Cloud Hosted

7 Epicor Kinetic: Modular Flexibility

Why we chose it: Epicor Kinetic is flexible because it provides a suite of modules for companies to choose from. As businesses grow or change, they can easily add or remove modules without disrupting the core system. This design makes it easier for businesses to tailor the ERP system to their exact requirements and only pay for the functionalities they need.

Beyond its modular architecture, Epicor Kinetic also offers a configurable UI that can be tailored to fit unique workflows. This means users can modify the dashboard, reports, and other interface elements to suit their preferences, further enhancing the software’s adaptability to diverse business requirements.

Read our full Epicor review.

Epicor Kinetic: Dashboard
Epicor Kinetic: Accounts Receivable
Epicor Kinetic: Shop Load
Epicor Kinetic: Purchase Order
Epicor Kinetic: Supplier Relationship Management
Epicor Kinetic: Shop Floor Interface (MES)
Epicor Kinetic: Kanban Warehouse Monitor
Epicor Kinetic: Job Scheduling Board
Epicor Kinetic: CRM Flight Control
What We Like
Built for manufacturers
Collects real-time shop floor data
Built-in artificial intelligence support
What We Don’t Like
Not ideal for multinational organizations
High learning curve
Price Range: $$$$
Starting Price: $175/user/month
Client OS: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web
Deployment: Cloud or On-Premises

8 NetSuite: Top Pick for Growing Companies

Why we chose it: NetSuite serves growing businesses due to its inventory and supply chain management features. The platform’s smooth integration with eCommerce platforms and POS systems simplifies and automates inventory tracking and supply chain tasks. This cohesion helps guarantee product availability, optimize operational procedures, and lessen manual inventory challenges.

Additionally, NetSuite offers editions crafted for distinct industries. Such dedicated attention means businesses aren’t forced to adapt a generic ERP; they benefit from features precisely tailored for their sector, cutting down on implementation time and promising an intuitive UI.

Read our full NetSuite review.

Top Pick for Growing Companies:

NetSuite: Home Screen
NetSuite: Income Statement
NetSuite: Journal
NetSuite: Unrealized Exchange Rate Gains and Losses
NetSuite: Ecommerce Customer Statistics
NetSuite: Sales Orders
NetSuite: Revenue Recognition
What We Like
Hundreds of third-party add-ons available
Feature sets for multiple industries
Highly customizable
What We Don’t Like
Must schedule a consult for pricing details
Tedious setup
Difficult to build reports
Price Range: $$$$
Starting Price: $99/user/month
Client OS: Web
Deployment: Cloud Hosted

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Unit4 ERP Alternative

When seeking a replacement for Unit4 ERP, you should prioritize these factors:

  • Seamless Upgrades: An ideal ERP alternative should offer a straightforward upgrade process, even if you’ve heavily tailored the software to your needs. Consistently evolving without disrupting operations or losing custom features is vital for businesses that need to stay ahead in a dynamic marketplace.
  • Optimized Performance During Updates: Slowdowns, especially during system updates, can significantly hamper productivity. Ensure your chosen ERP solution promises consistent speed and reliability, minimizing operational hiccups during update phases.
  • Comprehensive Built-in Tutorials: To flatten the learning curve and enhance user adoption, it’s essential to have an ERP system equipped with detailed, user-friendly tutorials. This ensures a smoother transition for new users and more in-depth exploration of advanced features for seasoned users.


Unit4 ERP allows businesses to tailor the software to their precise needs. This flexibility extends to its broad range of functional modules, making it a preferred choice for sectors such as professional services, education, and public services. One of its key selling points is the intuitive and user-friendly interface, simplifying the user experience, even for newcomers.

However, extensive customizations can make system upgrades tedious. Operational speed, especially during software updates, has been a concern, which can hinder fast-paced business environments. The absence of built-in tutorials might steepen the learning curve. Acknowledging these aspects can guide you towards a solution that mirrors the strengths of Unit4 ERP while offering improvements.

On the search for new ERP software? Let us help!

How does Unit4 ERP cater to service-oriented companies?

A: Unit4 ERP provides modules and functionalities that align with sectors like professional services, education, and public services. However, some businesses might seek alternatives due to concerns like upgrade challenges, performance slowdowns during updates, or the need for more comprehensive onboard tutorials.

Why do some businesses experience slowdowns with Unit4 ERP during software updates?

Some businesses have pointed out performance issues with Unit4 ERP, especially during system updates. These slowdowns might stem from the software’s architecture or the sheer volume of data processed, impacting operational efficiency during critical update phases.

How does the lack of built-in tutorials in Unit4 ERP affect new users?

The absence of built-in tutorials in Unit4 ERP can make it challenging for newcomers to navigate and utilize the platform’s full capabilities. As a result, new users might face a steeper learning curve, potentially delaying effective adoption and integration into daily operations.

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