Adam Bluemner

Avatar of Adam Bluemner Adam Bluemner is a former managing editor for Software Connect. During his time at Software Connect, he researched software technologies and was featured on several industry podcasts. Adam is now senior director at Blackbaud and lives in South Carolina.

Product Round-Up

The Best Order Entry Software

Order entry software provides a centralized set of tools for managing your orders. Compare top picks like Pomodo, Orderwerks, and inSitu Sales.

Product Round-Up

The Best Progress Billing Software

Bill on project work? Looking to reduce time to payment, improve risk management, and attract more customers? Progress billing software can help. Find out more.


Case Study: 63,256 Calls Boiled Down to the Most Effective Web Lead Follow-up Strategies

In this article, we take a deep dive into the most-effective strategies for making phone contact with web-lead submissions.

Product Round-Up

The Best CRM Software

Get the most out of your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts with strong CRM software. Find out about the features and options available to you.