Adam Bluemner

Avatar of Adam Bluemner Adam Bluemner is a former managing editor for Software Connect. During his time at Software Connect, he researched software technologies and was featured on several industry podcasts. Adam is now senior director at Blackbaud and lives in South Carolina.


Top 100 Accounting Software Features

Discover what every accounting software package must have with this top 100 features list. Find Check Printing, 1099 Forms, Advance Payment Scheduling, and more.


15 Experts Share Their Best Practices for Marketing to Small Businesses

Access actionable tips for improving your effectiveness connecting with a key B2B market demographic: small businesses.


How to Read and Understand an Income Statement

Find out how to turn your income statement into a rich source of decision-making insights.


The Software Selection Process (One-Month Timeline)

Follow this week-by-week software selection process guide to choose a new business software in only one month by first identifying the scope and assigning a team.


The Best Order Entry Software

Order entry software provides a centralized set of tools for managing your orders. Compare top picks like Pomodo, Orderwerks, and inSitu Sales.


Types of Construction Billing & Best Practices

Construction billing isn’t easy. Learn about the three top methods of advanced, progress, and arrears to get a better understanding of your own processes.


The CFO's Guide to Bitcoin, Part 2: Taxes and Accounting

Bitcoin accounting has been described as a nightmare. Is it?


The 4 Dimensions of ERP Software Scalability

Where will your company be in one year? How about three or five or ten? Find out how to prepare for whatever changes you encounter by figuring scalability into your ERP software decision.


10 Things Every Accounting Student Should Know about Accounting Software

What will tomorrow's accountants need to succeed? Software savvy might be at the top of the list.


The Best Progress Billing Software

Bill on project work? Looking to reduce time to payment, improve risk management, and attract more customers? Progress billing software can help. Find out more.


How Would You Describe ERP? 20 Explanations from the Experts

ERP software can be described in numerous ways. Check out how 20 top sources define ERP in 100 words or less.


7 Alternatives to the Bar Graph and When to Use Them in BI Reporting

With a wealth of data visualization software available, learn how to take advantage of the chart types that will bring your data to life.


The CFO's Guide to Bitcoin, Part 1: The Basics

What should financial executives know about the emerging digital currency that everyone is talking about? Find out.


How Does the Government Define “Small Business”?

The government is a bit conflicted about what constitutes a "small business." But it offers a few major definitions that are worth being aware of.


Case Study: 63,256 Calls Boiled Down to the Most Effective Web Lead Follow-up Strategies

In this article, we take a deep dive into the most-effective strategies for making phone contact with web-lead submissions.


The Best CRM Software

Get the most out of your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts with strong CRM software. Find out about the features and options available to you.


Study: What is a "Small Business"?

Stop marketing ineffectively; start qualifying the term. Discover how to better connect with "small business" customers via definitive research on a term marketers have taken for granted too long.


The Best Government Software

Which government accounting software is right for your organization? Get an overview of the options on the market and better understand their capabilities.


The Best CPA Software

Providing accounting services to clients? Are your software tools allowing you to do it as efficiently as possible? Find out about the options available to you.


6 Fundamental Design Elements of Effective Visual Business Intelligence Management

BI software can provide an enormous advantage for improving a wide range of business decision-making--but having the right visual presentation capabilities is key.